Are you a fan of your long knife pizza cutter?

I don’t know why I’m asking this because I already ordered it from Amazon.

I’ve always used the roller kind myself. But I lost my last one. So I ordered another from Amazon.

This time I decided to go a different direction and get the long curved knife one with the handles at both ends.

Hoping I don’t regret it. You guys like yours?

I have always wondered about those as well.

When ours broke (it was old), I got a commercial roller one from Amazon. If the long-knife version doesn’t work out, I highly recommend these.

I’ve never understood the point of specialized pizza cutters. The main important point would seem to be the ability to keep the utensil sharp, and secondly, that it be machine washable. I’m guessing that the use of roller cutters in pizza joints is just because it’s a fast way to do the slicing, and works well for large pizzas. I’m fine with a knife. I use one of my smaller Henckels knives which, unlike the chef’s knife with a wooden handle, has a composite handle and can be put in the dishwasher. The knife is also easier to clean. If I happen to forget about it and there’s dried pizza crud on it the next day, a few quick swipes with a stainless steel scouring pad does the trick and it’s ready for the dishwasher.

But we all like our kitchen gadgets so, enjoy. The most useful pizza-related item I own is a pizza stone.

I’m curious! Rolling pizza cutters are compact, useful uni-taskers, but the long ones seem large enough to fall out of that category and into “why am I devoting so much space to this thing?”

I’m going to be honest. It just looks cool to me. Kind of like a Klingon bat’leth. Lol

I have one but don’t use it often. I have a nail in the pantry that it hangs on.

It works really well, unless you make your pizza in any type of pan that has a lip. You would have to slide it out of the pan before you cut it because the cutter will hit the side of the pan and not be able to cut the crust edge.

I guess I don’t use it because I forget about it. The roller one is always closer at hand. But it does cut more quickly than the roller one.

When I worked at Pizza Hut, we had a large pizza cutter like this one. We also used it for dicing vegetables, it was way faster than any regular knife I’ve used since then. So if you make lots of things with diced onions, mushrooms, and the like, it’s great for that.

I got this as a Christmas exchange gift a few years ago. I love it!

NCC-1701 Pizza Cutter

Rolling pizza cutters cam be used for stuff other than pizza so they’re not exactly uni-taskers. I’ve used one for slicing cookie dough for instance.

I’m intrigued by the idea of the long knife, but my counters are usually so crowded, especially just after I’ve cooked something, that it’s a good bet there wouldn’t be enough clearance to use it.

My rolling pizza cutter is very useful. Like @bump , I got the heavy-duty version when my first, flimsy, one broke. Because it’s sharp and has a little heft, it cuts things really easily. I use it for any thin dough that would stick if I tried to drag a knife through it. Noodle-making, especially, has become much easier.

I had a rolling pizza cutter for years but when it broke, I bought an Oxo-brand one. In general, I’ve been satisfied with everything I’ve bought of that brand. (Except for the expandable drawer dividers that I put in my sock drawer. Those didn’t seem to stay locked.)

My take is so the cut is basically down and up again, as opposed to dragging it to cut rolling, rocking knifes do this. This helps preserve the location of the cheese instead of being dragged with the knife.

The correct term for this utensil is a mezzaluna (English: “half moon”), and is traditionally used for chopping and mincing vegetables or meats. It is more convenient for slicing pizza because you can cut an entire chord in one motion and reorient the blade rather than having to rotate the pie and run the circular cutter, and it also provides a cleaner, straighter cut, which is probably not a big concern. for the home cook but is important in a commercial kitchen. It is, however, much larger than a circular cutter and more difficult to store if you don’t have room for a stand or a place to hang it. (Like all blades, it should not be stored loose in a drawer with the blade uncovered.)

I don’t have any particular issue with using a knife to cut pizza (although it seems as if it would be awkward) but as a former cook I find the idea of running a cutting knife through the dishwasher to be abhorrent. Even composite handles can warp and have rivets loosen due to the heat and steam of a dishwasher, and other items in the washer can potentially bang against the blade edge, chipping or rolling it. Knives are also one of the biggest sources of contamination leading to food-borne illness in a kitchen (after unclean prep surfaces) because they are so ubiquitous, and it really should be a habit of the cook to clean the blade and wipe it dry after every use, thus eliminating it as a source of cross-contamination and ensuring that it doesn’t corrode. (Even ‘stainless’ steels can stain and corrode if exposed to acidic juices and not cleaned.). Letting “dried pizza crud” accumulate on a blade is just unnecessary when a quick swipe with a soapy sponge or cloth followed by running it under the faucet and a wipe with a dry towel to remove moisture. Treat your knives well and they will last a lifetime of good service; neglect them and they will blunt, stain, and slip.


If you clean a knife blade by hand, just be really careful. Very easy to slip and cut yourself.

This comment boggles my mind; knives should always be cleaned ‘by hand’, and if done correctly there is almost no risk in cutting ones self. When cleaning a knife, you wipe from the spine to the edge (in other words, down the face of the blade), not along or against the edge where it could easy cut through the cloth and into fingers. There is almost no way to accidentally cut yourself wiping in this fashion. You are far more likely to get cut reaching into a dishwater, or into a sink where someone has inadvisably left a knife ‘soaking’. In fact, the only cut injury ever got working in commercial kitchens was exactly from that; someone who let a knife get encrusted with food residue and decided to throw it in a bin to soak along with a bunch of silverware.


Cutting a pizza? You don’t just roll it into a tube and tuck in? :smile:

In my, admittedly limited experience, much of the food debris is along the really sharp edge, so I run the sponge over that to dislodge it.

I use a cleaver, but I don’t chop with it – the blade is curved and long enough to place down and cut from center to edge.


I use a mezzaluna similar to this one. Handles extending out the ends is better for cutting pizza as opposed to common choppers with the handles at right angles to the blade. My wife prefers to use a wheel.