Are you flattered or offended when you get hit on my members of the same sex?

I’m flattered but I’m not a lesbian…what about y’all?

I’m flattered, the same way I’d be flattered if a woman hit on me. Not as happy about it, as it doesn’t mean I might have good times ahead, but it’s always nice to know that somebody finds you desirable.

Flattered, definitely.

About the same. It’s much the same as being hit on by a woman I don’t find attractive; nice, but not especially important. And why would I be offended? I suppose the dude thinks (or hopes) I’m gay - but that’s not a thing to be offended over.

Sure, it’s fun. I used to get hit on quite a bit by the menfolk – I guess I was just so damned irresistable. First few times finding a phone number in a jacket pocket was a little creeping to me at 18 or so, but it’s all in good fun. I guess flattered isn’t the right word now – maybe like “Hey, righteous! Got a sister? Oh well…just so you know, I’m straight, but buy me a drink and let’s talk opera.”

Flattered and if they’re cute, I flirt right back.

Flattered, definitely.

If they’re good at it, partly flattered, partly worried as I don’t want to hurt her. If they’re the ones who have the manners, subtlety and ability to understand boundaries generally associated with bulldozers, well, I feel the same way when I’m grabbed by a woman as by a man: assaulted.

<- Straight guy


I was hit on constantly by other guys in college (maybe because I’m not afraid of eye contact). My sex life would definitely have been more fruitful if I swung the other way. As it is, it was sometimes flattering but sometimes not (I found that guys could often be more forward in terms of contact and boundaries). I was never offended so voted “Don’t Care”

Flattered for sure.

Straight girl.

Re-ETA: between my general ability to understand clues only if they’re “by four”, and the fact that things which are normal behavior b/w same-sex friends in one place are being super-forward in another, there’s been times I wasn’t sure whether American friends whom I knew to be bi were flirting with me for real or not.

A friend of my mother’s used to tell this story of being a secretary back in the 50s, and a Japanese visitor who’d been doing business with her company for years finally worked up the nerve to ask her “why are there so many lesbians in Spain?” Well, first of all she needed to ask “what is lesbian?”; then she explained that in Spain women walking hand in hand or arm in arm weren’t necessarily romantically involved… actually, most likely they wouldn’t be. Fifty years later she still wondered what did he think when seeing one of those co-ed groups of friends who walk around during fiestas with anybody’s arms around anybody’s shoulders or waist. Orgies?
Now compare with those dudes I dated in the US who wouldn’t even touch me, including that one who, after not-touching me so intensively that I was convinced he wanted to be “just friends”, grabbed me, murmured “I’m dying to try that bed of yours” into my ear and didn’t get brained with a flowerpot because I didn’t have one handy - I’m not sure I would have been able to remember in time that braining people is illegal. Social relationships are bloody complicated everywhere, but toss cross-culture into the mix and all I can say is oy vey.

Not flattered. Not offended. But I do care.

Heterosexual male here. I get flattered because it is someone who finds you attractive, and I imagine gay guys to have high standards (this is quite possibly a stereotype I completely made up and has no basis in reality).

But along with “flattered” I get SAD, because I get overtly hit on by guys about 5-10x more frequently than I get overtly hit on by women. It’s possible the women are being more subtle and I just don’t realize it. But it would be more desireable to be attractive to women than men to me.

Hmm…I guess can only think of one time that it happened. So now I’m offended that it doesn’t happen more often. I’m not good enough for you, lesbians?!

Probably just a clueless as when I’m hit on by women. I’m not usually good at catching such things.

Not offended, just irritated.

As in, “You know I’m straight, right? Because trying harder after I ignore you the first time just doesn’t work.” :rolleyes:

This has not happened to me in a lifetime. If it did start happening, I’d dope slap myself for sending out the wrong vibes.

Never happened to me, either. Unless it did and I was too clueless to notice.

Only ever happened to me once, and I was neither flattered nor offended. I was simply shocked. I was too dumbfounded to do anything besides mumble, “ummmm, no thanks.”