Are you one of those people who eats the same thing every day?

Exactly. Once I find something to eat that gives me the maximum amount of tastiness per dollar, it’s hard to switch!

In the late 1990s, I worked at a big (Fortune 500, maybe even Fortune 100) company. The CEO of our company had a fairly well-known habit: he ate a hamburger for lunch every single day…to the point that, when he was at offsite meetings, where they’d have catered lunches, they always made certain they had a fresh hamburger brought in for him.

It is common for me to do eat the same thing for many many days, but then I get bored with it and won’t eat it for weeks to come.

I eat the same thing almost every day for breakfast: a toasted English muffin with Earth Balance spread, a thin layer of Ikea lingonberry jam, and a Morningstar Farms vegetarian sausage–a kind of “sausage” sandwich. Oddly enough, I look forward to eating this every morning. Occasionally I vary this by having Chobani Greek yogurt mixed with granola, although I often have that and maybe an apple or a low-fat cheese string stick for lunch instead. Dinner varies most often, although sometimes I have a few nuts or a few slices of turkey and that’s it for dinner. I should be thinner, although sometimes I have frozen yogurt or a cookie or two during the day, too, so that adds calories. Another food I eat almost every day is hummus, usually with baby carrots or Reduced Fat Wheat Thins. I am addicted to hummus.

Peanut butter with raspberry jam and a bag of cheetos every day for lunch from grades 3 through 12. I don’t think I ever bought a hot meal from the school cafeteria. I was one of those weird picky eaters as a kid.

Last week I had an MRE for lunch three times. I liked them, but stuck to the ones that were tomato based - sloppy joe mix and spaghetti with meatballs. I like to mix up my meals now, but still need a peanut butter fix about once a month.

My breakfast tends to be repetitive, although it does change with the weather. Right now it’s one fried egg, one piece of toast (to dunk in the egg), big cup of milk and one muffin. Sometimes I eat a different protein (ham, serrano, salami), and on the hot weather no muffins.

My snacks tend to be “dairy stuff”: yoghurt, mousses, cuajada, sheep’s cheese; I have a snack mid-morning and one at the time your average Spaniard has dinner (c. 9pm) - I prefer to have dinner at “tea time”. Yeah, yeah, I know I should eat more fruit: I don’t like most fruit (too sweet). We are required to eat lunch in the cafeteria at work and it includes dessert: I save the fruit from dessert to have it as a snack the next mid-morning (on Friday, the saved fruit is my after-dinner snack).

Last summer, my dinner was invariably a big glass of gazpacho. It was about the only thing I could “eat”, with those temperatures.

Breakfast? Almost always a cold cereal, usually mini shredded wheats (not frosted since my doctors yelled at me about my bloodwork) and two cups of coffee. On weekends maybe oatmeal or cornmeal mush.

Lunch during the week is a sandwich wrap, more lettuce/ spinach/ greens than lunchmeat, some pretzels, a can of seltzer, and two sliced carrots. I have a piece of fruit for a snack at afternoon break time.

Dinner does vary.

Evening snack is usually a cup of yogurt and a decaf tea of some sort.

(I am a man of very steady habits.)

I eat beans one day and rice the next. I can hardly wait to get a full time job so I won’t be poor :slight_smile:

Funny thing is I am SO SICK of rice, but I still like the beans :slight_smile:

Same breakfast, morning snack, and lunch every work day. Dinner changes up a bit, within a relatively more limited universe of things I can cook quickly, at least on weekdays. Weekend meals, all bets are off.

The routine is mostly because it’s the easiest way for me to control my calories and keep my weight where I want it to be. I love eating, but I love being in decent shape just as much; life is a clash between the two.

Cereal with WATER? Is this perhaps code for something else?

Please defend yourself

Milk was exorbitantly expensive (IMO) in small quantities, and in large quantities I didn’t drink it fast enough.

I am type 2 diabetic, and as such I tend to really plan every scrap of anything I consume other than by inhaling it.

Breakfast is always oatmeal with 2 tbsp raisins, dash or 2 of cinnamon. Sometimes I change out the cinnamon for cardamon or nutmeg. How exciting!

midmorning snack is 100 calories - my favorite is carrot and celery sticks with hummus, or cauliflower florets with hummus, sometimes it might be a piece of cheese and some wasa crisp bread. I particularly like the rye.

midafternoon snack is one of the cute little 4 inch bananas that isn’t a dwarf cavendish, or a small orange, apple or single serve cup of organic applesauce that is unsweetened.

Most days during the week my lunch is a chopped salad based on cabbage instead of lettuce, or romaine, or spinach. I like to add mung bean sprouts, celery, onion, carrot and I use chick peas for the protein. I make my own olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette to avoid high fructose corn syrup or sugar or salt being hidden in amounts I don’t want.

Weekends we change up lunches, but it follows roughly the same amount of carbs, fats and proteins.

Dinners are where I get variety.

Bedtime snack is a square of 86% dark chocolate.

I do a 12 oz mug of coffee and heavy cream with breakfast, and a cup of earl grey in the evening, other times I drink ice water that I might add a splash of lemon or lime to it.