Arrrrgh! Doesn't *anybody* in Game of Thrones ....

Ever freaking clean a weapon before resheathing the damned thing, the inside of their scabbards are filthy and must reek of rotting blood, not to mention the corrosion of the poor blades …
I decided to not watch the series until it was finished, because I had still been reading the books … so now it is finished I am binge watching it.

That is a minor pet peeve of mine, and not just in that show. I all but ignored it after seeing that the first few times.

They do sometimes, but make a show of it. And generally, they only clean one side of the blade. Considering the medieval-type setting, perhaps rot and stench weren’t a concern. I don’t recall any comments about bad smells, or even good scents like perfume, etc. My experience is with the tv show only.

Well, Tyrion did complement Lancel on his lavender oil scent. He didn’t offer to clean his blade.

This is a problem with a lot of shows with swordplay. I found Into the Badlands particularly bad about it. I kept expecting someone to get killed because they couldn’t get their blade out because it was gummed up.

In medieval times, swords were expensive. Sheathing without cleaning first is a good way to corrode the blade. So you either did it yourself or had an underling do it.

If “clean” just means “wipe the blood off”, then Arya and the Hound each do, at 3:32 and 4:47 of this clip:- YouTube

There are many things I like about the GoT series, but the swordplay is not one of them. I’m a martial arts geek with cross-interests in historical Western martial arts and ancient warfare, so I normally just have to turn my brain off when I watch anything with swords, spears, armor, etc. or I’m not going to enjoy it at all.

The armor, especially in the first couple seasons, is really good. Realistic, stylish, appropriate.

Jaime, on the other hand (heh) is supposed to be one of the best sword fighters in Westeros. Nikolaj is appropriately pretty and tries hard, but it’s really obvious that he just doesn’t have the background or training to do it right. Some of Brienne’s fight scenes were better choreographed and Gwendoline moves a bit better than him. Arya’s style is odd, but mostly appropriate given Maisie’s stature. They do have her block sometimes when she should be voiding or sliding blows. That would result in someone just blowing through her guard and getting her killed when dealing with someone so much bigger than she is most of the time. Best overall is probably Jon Snow, because they don’t make him out to be better than he is: a moderately well-trained slogger who only looks good in contrast to the untrained trash they usually get on the Wall.

I don’t watch GoT, but when I saw the thread title my first thought was of Arya; there’s a popular clip of her killing Littlefinger by cutting his throat and she just sheathes the blade without so much as a flick.

She’s so fast he doesn’t have any time to bleed on her blade. No need to clean it. :wink:

All good responses =)

All things considered, at least it seems to have some internal consistency with things - it seems odd clothingwise - is it me or is that funny drapy ‘dress’ [seems to be a halter gathered into a round necklace sort of neckline, and twist gathered in the middle of the back through some sort of metal ring, like it was just a large rectangle specifically whore clothes? The Imp’s mistress/whore who ends up Sansa’s maid seems to be wearing it on the dock when Littlefinger is chatting with Sansa, seems odd as well that the Lord Minister of Finance is a notorious whoremaster. Yes I know, fictional world doesn’t have the same religious hangups that we do …

This isn’t actually a problem. Fantasy shows aren’t required to show people doing everything that one would do if the fantasy world was real.

Repeat after me—a fictional show isn’t meant to be like a fake documentary.

It’s like people not saying “Goodbye” before hanging up the phone. So rude! But ending each telephone conversation with, “OK, bye.” sounds and looks dumb and time consuming. We here for a entertaining story, not the mundane of regular life.


It’s my understand, from reading other historical fiction, that blades may have been wiped down but not cleaned. That meant a non-fatal stab wound could turn fatal from infection.

Then again, it could be they didn’t show it unless it was key to the scene. I’m sure everyone goes to the privy, but Tywin is the only one we actually see on the pot. And for a good reason.

I noticed that and remarked to my friend I watched GOT with about it a few times.

But my biggest pet peeve was the lack of hats. I don’t think I ever saw anyone wear a hat, maybe they didn’t invent them yet?

They are out in a blowing blizzard, complaining about shivering their balls off, and the tops of their ears are out in the breeze, radiating away every bit of heat.

The second bulletin point addresses the hat thing. I actually read a different article that said Kit asked for a hat in between takes and the producers told him his air was too important.

Does Valerian steel need cleaning?


True Starks don’t need hats. Ned said he was “…born for the cold.” I guess Lyanna didn’t pass that gene on to Jon. :stuck_out_tongue:

So they were okay with putting him at risk for frostbite and maybe losing the tips of his ears and stuff because a hat would spoil his hair?
