Article on Christianity and gaybashing

I don’t recall seeing a thread about this earlier, but here’s an interesting article on evangelical Christianity and a gaybashing incident that happened in Seattle last year.

Frankly, it’s nothing you really haven’t seen before, but it’s an interesting read and serves as another illustration about how the principle of “Love the sinner, hate the sin” often just turns into plain old “Hate the faggot.”

Read this over the weekend. I usually don’t care for The Stranger’s long features, but this one was pretty good: even-handed and insightful. The worst part of the story, I thought, was how the one crackpot defense attorney tried to put the victim’s personal life on trial. Nobody deserves to be attacked and slashed with broken bottles. Period.

Oh, and for the record, given that the article ends with “verdict expected any minute,” all three defendants were convicted (link requires free registration).

People really suck sometimes.

Sorry for the double post, but I think it’s worth pointing out that the three attackers were convicted on the harassment charge but acquitted of assault.

Whatever. At least they’re going to jail.

A different link that doesn’t require registration.

Oh good god, that poor man. Did you see the picture of the pants he wore? Holy SHIT.

To be honest, it sounds like they were a bunch of young guys who had had scrapes with the law already. I don’t know, I can’t see it being so much the religion as a bunch of angry young guys who found a “convenient target.”

Religiously motivated or not, it’s still heinous and I’m glad to hear they will be serving time.

Sometimes I can’t believe that gays haven’t become one hell of a lot more violent in a vigilante sort of way. And I hate to admit it, but it’s almost disappointing.

Not all Christians hate gays. Some of us are quite liberal. Unfortunately the right-wing Christians give the rest of us a bad name.

Well, and not all gay-haters are Christian, or even religious.

Not all right wing christians hate gays either.


No, they just want them to have separate but equal status.

Oh, and to stop being so uppity.

Some gay people are homophobic, some women are misogynists, and some jewish people are anti-semites.

So, the exceptions now are the rule?

And before you can waste the time to ask: John Paulk, Phyllis Schlafley, and Jews for Jesus.

I do not think “misogynist” and “anti-semite” mean what you think they do.

The pathetic Princess Bride allusion hits new levels of lameness.

What Princess Bride allusion? :smiley:

I always thought that was what Zechariah said when Gabriel told him about Elizabeth getting pregnant with John the Baptist! :smiley:

Well, separate anyway. (As with Jim Crow, the equal part is nudge-nudge-wink-wink.)

I don’t think “Jews for Jesus” would count-aren’t they actually a front for some fundy Christian sect?

Maybe not as a group, and maybe not in any “predeclared” manner, but I pity anyone who would ever try coming at me with a bottle or knife.

I don’t think that’s exclusive to being gay. If someone came at me with a knife or a broken bottle, I’d probably get some violent tendencies quite quickly myself.