Aside from Trump, who are you rooting against most?

All right, there are a few Trump supporters here, but I ask, aside from the Presidential campaign, which candidate will you take the most pleasure in seeing go down? Has to be someone who actually can lose, not someone you wish would but there’s a 99%-100% chance that doesn’t happen. A lot of Senate Republicans are in close races, so there’s go to be that one guy or lady who you’d just dance a jig if the networks call a win for their opponent.

Funny thing for me is that although I have a lot of bad things to say about the Democratic Party and their Presidential candidate, my feelings about their Senate candidates range from supportive to indifferent. I really like Tammy Duckworth and Russ Feingold. Some of the other challengers aren’t bad, so much as liberal activists who just don’t belong in the Senate and thinking they will always be vulnerable given the states they are running in(Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania).

But there’s one guy I want to see lose, and it’s not even that I don’t like him. It’s that I don’t like a certain practice that he represents: Evan Bayh. He and Dick Lugar are two of Indiana’s most distinguished Senators, but neither of them ever bothered to live in Indiana and both actually went to great lengths to even abuse the system. Lugar used a friends house that he didn’t live at as a residency and Bayh has a condo he’s never actually spent a night in as far as anyone can tell. When he retired from the Senate, he said he would probably teach in Indiana. Nope, he stayed in DC and made money hand over fist. So nothing against Bayh personally, who I like, but I’d love to see that kind of politician get rejected at the polls. It’s time for people who represent their states to actually be residents of those states and not of DC or Virginia.

So who is your favorite to see go down in two weeks?

Whoever’s running against Russ Feingold (Senate, WI). What’s his name again? Rod something? … Oh, yeah – Ron Johnson.

Well, you’ll probably be very happy. Feingold’s had that one nearly locked up from the start.

Portman (almost certain to win), then Rubio (right now he has a small advantage), then McCain (likely to win unless there’s a landslide and demoralized Republicans stay home), then Blunt (probably slightly behind right now), then Ayotte (she’s likely to lose). Mostly for strategic reasons. The only Republican Senators I think more highly of now then I did before the election season are Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse, and I’d still strongly root for them to lose if they were up for re-election.

My very own craven, lickspittle toady-of-the-far-right-state legislature-governor Pat McCrory, whose John Hancock handsomely sits at the bottom of the world-renowned HB2.

Apparently it’s well-within the realm of possibility that Darrel Issa loses. I think he represents the worst aspects of the Congressional GOP with his endless, fruitless investigations. The man seems to see conspiracies everywhere.

On the gubernatorial level, Pat McCrory, whose race is also a toss-up at the moment. Second- or third-worst Republican governor after Sam Brownback and LePage and a stellar example of the religious right’s obnoxious poison working through the veins of government.

Forgot about Issa! He’s definitely at the top of my list. I was just thinking Senators.

I’m really against Hillary, but after her its either Debbie Wasser-Schultz and Paul Ryan.

McCrory is a good choice too, I know how much he’s pissed a lot of people off. And that race is very close as well.

There’s actually a ton of good drama for us political junkies even if Clinton turns the Presidential race into a laugher.

I would like to see Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) get the boot, so I’m voting for Katie McGinty.

I generally am hoping for a strong Democratic showing in the Texas House and Senate races. Not because I’m much of a Democrat, but because I feel that the Republican near super-majority of recent times is not a good thing for the state as a whole. It tends to allow all manner of dumb-assed stupidity to pass through unfettered, and doesn’t keep the Legislature honest.

In other words, even though I probably lean more Republican than Democrat, I think that having a strong and effective opposition is vital to a healthy political process.

Oh, that and I hope Louie Gohmert and Pete Sessions get voted out. They both seem like colossal morons and embarrassments to my state.

After Trump it would be Hillary. Unfortunately I’ve run out of reasonable choices at that point.

Yes, as mentioned, Pat McCrory.

He’s so deep in bed w/ the `Pubs that he made of mess of his time as NC governor. I don’t think he has a chance, but those guys play dirty.

I’ve heard that it’s tightened in the past month, so I’m a bit nervous.

A little, but betting markets have Feingold at 92%. Only piss poor Democratic turnout can beat Feingold now.

Great post/username combo! :slight_smile:

ETA : Adaher, glad to hear it – thanks.

Darrell Issa. That smarmy, hypocritical sonofabitch needs to be taken down hard, and this election there is actually an outside chance of that happening. Slim, but a chance.

I would love to see NJ rep Scott Garrett lose, as I have wished every 2 years since he got voted in. Probably won’t happen though.

I’ve been running labor’s coordinated campaign in west Michigan, so the person I’m most rooting against is a Republican state rep from the west Michigan lakeshore region. With Michigan pretty squarely in the Hillary column, the Michigan AFL has been primarily focused on taking back the state house. So I could give you a list of about 12 names I’m actively rooting against here in Michigan.

And on Nov. 8, if you happen to see news that Michigan’s state house of representatives has flipped to the Dems, you can rest assured that ol’ Happy’s probably three sheets to the wind and dancing on a piano with a lampshade on his head. And if you see the Michigan state house hasn’t flipped to the Dems, you can rest assured that ol’ Happy’s probably three sheets to the wind and punching a sack of corn in his garage. It’s been a long four months. So if the calendar reads November 8, and the clock shows it’s past 8pm, rest assured Happy’ll be drinkin’.

What about David “Does This Sheet Make Me Look Fat?” Duke? Ex-convict, “former” KKK honcho-and yet qualifies to participate in the debates.
Way to go, Louisiana!