Ask the Cereal killer.

Well its been about 45 minutes since my last victim. Yes I eat my victims and leave there hard exo-skeleton in witch it is contained intact. Sometimes I wash my weapon of choice immediately after the action. other times I am in a rush and leave it back at the scene of the crime. I have been convicted by the elders.

I will be leaving for a month all joking aside so if you have a question It wont get answered until then.

But this is a real thread…

What’s your favorite cereal? Do you have a preference as to how cold the milk is? What kind of milk do you buy?

Did Cap’n Crunch scream?

Did you feel bad when you slaughtered the frosted flakes? Poor people with mental issues and bad hair dyes…

Smackin’ the Sugar Smacks seems redundant… what implement of destruction do you prefer?

Frosted flakes, A good 49 or so degrees. and I ussually use 2 percent.

I like a nice deep weapon. That can take a big Bit out of the victim. well all I am off to see the coutry, lets see if I have some victims in other parts of the country.

Is this a crush story?

If the crazy people with bad hair dye jobs are unavailable, what kind of victims do you prefer? Healthy ones? Sweet ones? Ones that provide the best nutrition to your murderous self?
I used to do this myself, but I just find that I don’t have the time any more. This morning I discovered I did not have the necessary…“implements”.

Are you afraid of any cereals? What about Rice Crispies? Are you afraid that cereal would make too much noise? Have you ever eaten too many bran victims in a short period of time and messed up your colon?

  1. Do you mix species like I do? Like combine Wheat Chex with Banana Nut flakes?

  2. Does Clarice like cereal killers?

  3. What is your favorite bowl?

Do you have a name yet? I suggest]Toucan Son of Sam. If you use it, you will already have a theme song!

Crap, my url coding didn’t work. If a mod has time they can fix it. Otherwise is the plain version.