Sorry. This is not a serious rant (as has seemed to be the trend in the pit lately) I am just insanely bored so I have caved and started a pit thread.
Here are some things that piss me off -
[li]The human need to eat food while it’s FUCKING hot!, rather than wait until it cools down.[/li]
[li]The tedium of browsing the forums.[/li][sub](The fact that the best thing on the internet is the SDMB and even that is 95% boring these days, sorry)[/sub]
[li]My underpants.[/li]
[li]Trapesing around town on the windiest, rainiest day of the year with a blister on one foot and a sore ‘shin muscle’ on the other leg, looking for a bike shop, using a map aquired from the internet which (after buying a better one from a shop having spent 2 hours qapvhcqelahuing around) turned out to be totally wrong, eventually finding the shop only to find that it opens at 10am every day but is closed now (10:40) and never opens, according to the postie who happened to be delivering at the time. [/li]
[li]My grandparent’s dog, which I have to look after for a week, again. A week of cleaning shit and piss up from the house as the little rat from hell (or ‘football’ as I might end up calling him) will not do it on his walk! NO! that would’t infuriate me enough. He also stares STARES at me while I eat, which is just about the most annoying experience on the planet™ (maybe I am neurotic or something)[/li]
[li]My ability to procrastinate, put off, delay, postpone, dally, drag my feet, hang fire, defer, dawdle.[/li]
I just want to get home and stare longingly at my new poster
[sub]I had grown out of having posters on my walls years ago, but this one just had to be bought![/sub]
Lobbers, mate, you post about your ennui often enough to have your own forum!
But thanks for sharing…it saves me the job of having to post about my own boredom. I’m such a lazy bitch that I get vicarious satisfaction from reading about yours!!
Heh…I can guarantee you wouldn’t be bored if you had a few hundred volts shooting into you every once in a while!! Sort of like the Chinese Water Torture…you’d spend your time in anxious anticipation of the next hit. Boredom…be buggered!!
Take it cruisy Lobbers.
Thanks, Lobsang – your boredom is keeping the rest of us entertained. Keep going, you’re doin’ well.
What a bugger about that bike shop! Was that the only one around, or did you find another one?
As for the dog-stare bit – I’ve come to ignore such trifles until they get bored and wander off. Or I just say “My food! MINE! Sod off, ya little begger!!”
Either way tends to work. The latter’s best with a growl.
There are a few bike shops. The one I was looking for was the only one that was a dealership for the make of bike I was looking for (and I bet even that would have turned out to be wrong) I did buy a bike that day (eventually). Quite a good one it is too.
The dog in question - He doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘bored’ If I could eat for 10 hours he’d stare for 10 hours. He even has the cheek to stand up on h is hind legs with his ‘arms’ limp.
I usually end up moving him to another room, or propping a cushion up between our line of sight of eachother, I have no problem with him staring if I can’t see him doing it.
Sorry to disappoint but my boredom period ended hours ago (i.e. I finished work). I have a very boring job (well we are short staffed so it’s almost always one person per shift) But I get a good wage so I put up with it (and the stress caused by a very ‘difficult’ and incompetent supervisor/boss)
Lobbers. what are you reading at the moment? An excellent antidote for boredom is Harry Potter # 5, and when you’ve finished with it, you can lend it to me!!
I have a link in my sig that is so masively entertaining that you’d be saying “Wow, I haven’t been bored or not entertained for 20 years!”. I know because I time travelled from my future to your past to avert the tragedy of you not checking out the link in my sig. Alternate you is giving you the big thumbs up, so please do so cause I am in a time loop as a result of travelling to your future that was my past tommorows yesterday to avert future you’s unentertainment that is causing me to die over and over again until you do. If I don’t avert tragedy that will come in 5 years, the machines will wipe me out of reality 7 years before I wrote this. Oh wai
I finished HP book 5 far too quickly! 3 years of waiting and it was over in a flash. It was an excelent book, but it was over so quickly it has not left an impression on my brain like the others did. I vote JK writes an epic adventure on the scale of Lord of the Rings for book 7.
The timewarp is clearly warping the world, soon we will be consumed in it’s effects. Clicking on the link will save the universe from being destroyed, and then the robots won’t win! We can’t let them win, then they’ll be no more clicking of the link in my sig.