Ask the straight-A student

How much contempt do you hold for straight ‘B’ students?

I forgot in the last post: congrats, Inner Stickler! toasts

It’s tough, but yeah, I can–I mean, no. Definitely not. I’m just too, too busy and caught up in work to go travelling anywhere…

No. I’m okay. I’ll be fine. sniff

Ohhh. Um. I maintained an 80-85% average, which counted as an A, but 90% and above were A+s. Am I disqualified now? :eek:

Anaamika, please, give your answers too! That goes for all the other straight-A students out there…

That’s a good question. I think if I personally retain something beyond an exam or a test, it has more to my interest in the subject–like Renaissance literature and history, ancient mythology, so on–than getting a good grade.

Interesting about your Chemistry class, though. Is Chemistry your main major?

Sometimes, yeah. My problem is that I’ll write and rewrite something and freak out about details up to the last minute, and then turn it in a couple of days late–a perfect paper, but still late. I’ve really been trying to avoid this more, now.

Depends. Will you give me chocolate / alcohol / cute boys’ numbers?

Those peasants!

(My philosophy is that if you do the best you can and get a B, you still did your best, and that I admire. Everyone’s smart / good at something. :))

Have you ever held a job while going to school?

What type of job are you going to look for after graduating from college?

How well do you think you’ll transition from “top of the class booksmart student” to “employee with no experience”?

I’ve known some really smart people that are ace students, get their degree, get their masters, etc. and make it a habit of being a career student.
Then when they get out into the working world they have a really tough time transitioning. Either becoming bored with their work, feeling overqualified, underappreciated, resentment towards co-workers, etc.

The first time around it was an A.S in Biology working for getting accepted into a PharmD program. I switched schools and majors when I didn’t get accepted the first time around and was Biochemistry for a Semester. One Biochem class and the performance of my Chemistry made me realize I didn’t really like Chemistry that much and switched to computer science.

whispers over to bbs2k

Uh oh. Nerd alert
motions thumb over at Kytheria

Huh. I never knew this. Are those metric As?

I had a 3.98 GPA in 2-year technical institute in Boston (Associate in Engineering degree) then 26 years later after 3 years night school, got a 3.98 (out of 4.0) in a (historically Black) southern college (I’m not Black, just historic) (BA in PA). Got all A’s there except for one B from a witch that had worked as the benefits coordinator for the same employer as I for the previous 3 years.