Astronaut kidnapping scheme

Except that they are also told to honor their commitments, and the person she gave her word of honor to is not the person whose affections she was apparently competing for. I’d like to know what she meant when she described her relationship with Oefelein. Was it innocent flirtation that she misunderstood? Was it more than flirting? If so, how far did it go? Did Bill lead her on purposely, or was he just trying to be friends? If it was physical, did he assume she knew it was just a fling?

ETA: Do you have a link to the info on her having e-mails from Shipman Duck Duck Goose? I didn’t realize they were from Shipman to Bill.

Man, I worked for the wrong NASA Center. Shit like that never happened at Langley…

A loonie astronaut.

Has there been Sex In Space? You just know those rocket jockeys want into that club.

Fox News is now reporting that the Florida police have added a charge of attempted first degree murder. :eek:

Woah, what does that job description read like?

I’ll grant you that what she did was not COMPLETELY in line with any honor code I know of.

Her kids? What about her husband? She’s married …well, presumably not for long.

She is now charged with murder, apparently. Fox, CNN, AP.

So, who’s working on the script to the sequel for “The Right Stuff”?

Nowak and Oelefein never went on a mission (in space) together.

Whoa there. Attempted murder. Nobody died.

She has been charged with attempted murder, not murder!

Yep, my bad. hangs head Nowak and Oelefein did attend a Winter Environment training session in Quebec in January 2004. (Not my research that provided that link, that’s thanks to Mr. Steve Huff, crime blogger and Opera Tenor at large.)

Against whom, Martians? :slight_smile:

Geeks. “Hey, guys, lookit this! It’s an official space shuttle canteen!!!”

I odn’t get it unless it’s a caption for the pictures. :confused:

I think the Martians found the canteen in this hypothetical scenario.

Why didn’t she just use her ray gun?

She’s got to wear a GPS monitoring device and has been ordered not to leave the troposphere.