Recent fun combinations:
masturbation breaks
Are you sure you washed your hands?
Right below this, we have:
I became a man today
I spanked the monkey at 280 miles per hour!
No sooner did this go up than there was a great 3-parter right below it:
I became a man today
I spanked the monkey at 280 miles per hour!
What are your family holiday traditions?
Damn you, Eve, and those quick fingers. You beat me to that.
A trio from GD – two possible answers to the question:
What would be the reaction to a smallpox epidemic?
War. ugh.
Underage Drinking
I know this is usually frowned upon, but…
Amazing, idiotic things drivers do!
When Doper relationships go bad
Tub full o’ Tabasco
In the not-too-distant future…
Before I posted this, this was directly above this thread :
I’m Famous Now!!!
I spanked the monkey at 280 miles per hour!
(I guess, if being mentioned in this thread counts as fame.)
So then Muffin said…
Lets play "Whats in my Pants?!
Your favorite “Young One”?
Child Pornoraphy in the Supreme Court
Things you are anal retentive about
::chuckle chuckle::
Playing earlier today in Cafe Society…
And the worst movie of all time is…
Shallow Hal (spoilers)
In MPSIMS today:
What do YOU do?
[Geek Victory dance/]
ChiDopers - Entertain me
stupid breakup reasons
is kinda entertaining too.
Here are a couple of good ones:
Fellatio en classe
Fake or Foto?
What made you laugh today?
More DTF pictures than you can shake a stick at!
Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons!
~And I know I wasn’t right, but it fel so good -Better Than Ezra
in the pit this morning:
While I don’t agree with it:
The worst song of all time is…
Buffy: The Musical
Earlier today in MPSIMS:
Death by garlic.
Smelly, smelly, smelly. Oh my god you are SOO smelly.
a dating question
If I was the Anti Christ how could I tell?
Good job perks
Recent Threads
cmkeller, Esprix, Smeghead: Attendez-vous! - The BBQ Pit
Ladies: how big is too big? IMHO
[sup]Your personal experience valued[/sup]
Does fecal matter contain DNA? - General Questions
Recommend a restaurant in your town - In My Humble Opinion
Best thing you found dumpster diving
Any dopers play the bagpipes?
[sup]ya might have to wipe em off first[/sup]
Who’s the Idiot Who Invented Circumcision? (Pages: 1 2 3 4)
Jack Chick & the American Humanists
How does Microsoft get people to upgrade Office (or anything for that matter)?
Flying Jackrabbits
[sup]No. Not the Flying Jackrabbits. I’ll buy your damned upgrade! … At least it wasn’t Flying Jackalopes … woulda had to buy a whole new system.[/sup]
I wonder if I’ll get flamed for this…
Amusing Iron Chef Theme Ingredients
Can I Keep My Dog?