Avatar holdouts: going to stick to your guns or eventually get one?

[Hybrid topic, but I’ve seen avatar threads often go here and not into one of the top two subforums up there. If it needs to be moved there then que sera sera]

It’s a shame because in a lot of cases I can envision some awesome avatars for the likes of Stranger on a Train, Elendil’s Heir, Hoopy_Frood, Dinsdale, or Tired_and_Cranky.

But at the same time I can grok why some don’t use any. To each his own I guess.

I’m here to learn stuff and trade opinions with the smartest people I can find. I’ve got no time for cutesy stuff like Avatars and Signatures and catchphrases (Regards, Quarries, etc…)

Doesn’t mean I don’t want people to have a cute avatar of their lapdog in a party hat, it just means I may notice little Benji the Birthday Boy.

I’ve got all the custom avatar I need.


This is fine

I’ve got an avatar.

It looks just like me. Why would I change it?

I thought that was you!

A “Create an avatar for another poster” thread might be fun.

I’m too ‘old school’ to ever use an avatar.

I didn’t want avatars
use one anyway
if tomorrow they go away
I won’t shed many tears

I don’t consider myself to be sticking to any guns. On the vBB board, I elected to not have avatars show, and I would be pleased if I still had that option. On Discourse, I preferred to not have even the square with my initial, so I scanned a sheet of blank paper and uploaded that. On my chosen theme, it appears that I don’t have anything. I’ve been given to understand that it’s visible on other themes, but since I never see those themes, it makes no difference to me.

I may or may not at some point, if something catches my fancy. Otherwise this works for now. Not so much a “holding out” as a “eh, whatever”.

Avatars here are more than “cutesy”; they’re functional. Under a thread title or at the end of an OP, you see the avatars of the people who have posted. Just seeing an initial isn’t all that informative to the rest of us.

You can always choose a deadly serious, grim, mature avatar with no whiff of cutesy-ness about it.

Ditto. If I’m reading a thread, it helps to distinguish the back-and-forth between posters, and helps if I’m scanning backward in a longer thread I happened across looking for the beginning of some sub-part of the discussion, if I know the avatars of the discussers. No need to parse usernames; recognizing an avatar speeds that process a little.

I’m not tech savvy enough to.

There are a couple I wish I could block. I like the posters, but their avatars are viscerally unpleasant to me.

Otherwise, I appreciate being able to see at a quick glance who the poster is without opening up the thread.

If I can do it, you can do it.

I had an idea for an avatar when they were first introduced but there was no easy way for me to nicely render it in the tiny thumbnail so I didn’t try. Then, I just sort of forgot about thinking of another one.

I would gratefully accept an avatar that someone made for me. Unless it were really bad.

Obviously, I didn’t make it.

My avatar appears different to everybody who views it (obscure comic book reference)

If someone could do better than Kirby I’d be interested.


I was never able to figure out how to do it on the old board.