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Naaah! Gaylord? GAYLORD? Geez, what do you want to give him a funny name like that for? Sheesh. :smiley:

No prob about the fiver, AD. Start the lil’ guy’s college fund with it. :slight_smile:


awwwwwww!!! lil critter’s got a name and everything now. Aaron Jacob sounds great. He can be Jake and jake at the same time. Congrats Robyn and AD!

Congrats! Aaron Jacob is a great name. My very own Aaron (George) turned 4 months old today. Jacob was also on my list (but my husband doesn’t like it). My little man’s Hebrew name is Aharon Gedalia.

Boys are great. I know you’ll have a wonderful time with him.

A big congrat’s to Airman and MsRobyn from the newbe.

If you are still looking for a Hebrew name, Efrem is nice. Spellling can be up to you (Ephrem, Ephraim, Efraim, etc) what do you think?.. Well at least I tryed (the world needs more Efrem’s out there). :slight_smile:

Good luck with the kid, cause with kids ya need it ;j.

I updated my website to include the ultrasounds. They’re kinda squeezed in due to space considerations, but they’re there. :slight_smile:

I got Aaron his first outfits today, too. One is a bright-orange t-shirt with blue overalls with planes on them. The other is navy-blue Dockers with a light-blue polo shirt and a white sweater vest with light and navy blue stripes. He’s going to be VERY well dressed. :slight_smile:


I think you meant Air Force blue, didn’t you? :wink:

I need to get him some baby soccer clothing. I gots some big plans for my son. :smiley:

Nope. Navy blue. Air Force blue is a lighter shade. :slight_smile:


Boys are so much fun! At least our seven-week-old is. :smiley: Congratulations, and have fun sorting through the mass quantity of blue clothing, blankets, and assorted other baby stuff that your friends and relatives are bound to shower you with!

Also, one tip that I wish someone had told me: when you diaper the baby, make sure his penis is pointing DOWN, not up. This will save you a lot of laundry, trust me.