I guess if you need dessert to go with your chicken fried bacon, there’s nothing better than Chocolate Covered Bacon.
I’ve got the Bacon Salt…
Chicken Fried Bacon is on the list when I’m in that part of Texas.
Should I go all the way?
I guess if you need dessert to go with your chicken fried bacon, there’s nothing better than Chocolate Covered Bacon.
I’ve got the Bacon Salt…
Chicken Fried Bacon is on the list when I’m in that part of Texas.
Should I go all the way?
Dood. Haven’t I seen this thread before?
No, it’s just eerily similar to this one. For a minute, I thought I’d been vaulted back to last Friday. I mean, it was a nice weekend and all, but that still woulda been a drag.
My girlfriend got me one of these a little while ago. I haven’t eaten it yet. I’m a little afraid of it.
Perhaps tonight.
I’ve tried it. Not bad, really. But I prefer my chocolate dark and generally unadulterated. Not sure I’d purchase it again except maybe as a novel gift.
Homer thought of it first. Well the Simpson God did after Homer prayed for a tasty treat and a bacon truck crashed into a chocolate truck.
I wasn’t impressed - it could have been better than it was - though some of the other Vosges chocolate bars are dietary staples around here (the red fire bar in particular - and they had a limited edition that had salt in it, that was SOOOOO good.)
Sorry about that. I called myself checking to see if anyone had already done it. I just didn’t go back far enough.
I do like my title better though.
Oh well. Carry on. Nothing to see here.
An ice cream place called Full Tilt (they also have pinball) just south of Seattle has a flavor they call Memphis King. Peanut butter and banana ice cream with pieces of chocolate-covered bacon.
What if they were to combine peanut butter bacon and chocolate? Chocolae is good, but chocolate and peanut butter is heaven. Now if you throw a strip of bacon in there, that’s like heaven and hell all mixed up into one afterlife special.
Yippee! My first Cafe Socity thread.
Gads it’s hard typing with my pinkie fingers stuck out.
Bacon-maple donut (really)
I’m sorry, I dislike bacon. I won’t buy bacon flavored anything.
I thought of starting this thread last week. I saw Mo’s Bacon Chocolate in a store, and one employee swore up and down that it was orgasmically good. They also sold wasabi, red pepper, curry, and a few other flavors.
My opinion upon tasting them? Meh, at best.
Bah, forget chocolate covered bacon. How about Chicken Fried Bacon!