Bad, bad, bad Beck is singing and dancing to the same old tune. Or... Back to rehab

Wrong thread.

Oh. That’s funny

I think DesertDog was implying that Michael Flynn has a second job (ha!) as a dungeon-keeper - he’s the one in the hood that is torturing you on the rack leg-stretching device. Since he is harming such a great natural resource and 'possum keeper, he should lose his Army pension.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Scuttles back to the J6 thread

I’m counting on you to write a harshly worded letter, @DesertDog .

You seem to have the knack😉

Heh he’s in like flynn, with some spin

I just assumed that was another inside joke amongst the Becksters and her band of merry folk, fools thieves & ghost believers. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They take me a while. The trio I wrote to then-senator McSally took about a day and a half each. Just point me to 'em, give me some deets, and stand back for a bit.

Nah, that stuff is sweet. Dill mustard has zip!

I’m curious as to why. Inside joke?


There’s a capital a. Do you need more?

Beaver Honey Mustard has been tried and is definitely sweet. Probably sweet enough to be bad for me. That sweet.

Should the letter say that the PT should be stripped of his pension? Or that there should be more cats and the occasional corn dog?

I read that putting letters and sayings on your walls is passé. Please don’t send Beck all your garage sale leftovers…

Uh, yeah. Let’s go with that.

Dang. I hate getting whooshed. I’ll put it down to my having covid. My brain is thick today.

Of course someone would combine two of the few flavors I loathe. But the Beaver Honey Mustard intrigues me. (Sweet makes mustard good, IMO.)

Did we ever find out if Sonic (at least, the one closest to Beck) still does corn dogs, BTW?

Are you posting with a mask on? Oh, damn! I’m right under you now!

Sorry for coughing in your face.

Yes I do.

They certainly do corn dogs at the Sonics I know of.

I have signs on my rehab door. No body here gives a damn.

They probably don’t read them anyway. It helps my feelings tho’

The latest one is : “I don’t speak. So leave me alone”