Bad Boys II: the most insanely entertaining movie ever?

I just watched Bad Boys II for the first time. Seriously, the most insanely entertaining movie ever.

So here’s my list, for sheer brainless entertainment:[ol]
[li]Bad Boys II[/li][li]Out of Sight[/li][li]Kiss Kiss Bang Band[/li][li]Die Hard[/li][li]Raiders of the Lost Ark[/ol] [/li]
What did I miss?* The Incredibles? Raising Arizona? Last Action Hero?*

Star Wars Ep. IV: A New Hope.

What? Well, I thought it was insanely entertaining.

Funny, I’ve never seen it, but I rank Die Hard and Raiders as two of the most perfect, flawless, FUN movies of all time, and I just rewatched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang the other night and remembered how much I love it. I thought Out of Sight was merely okay, but I’ll definitely give Bad Boys II a chance now. I’ve never seen the first one, though – would that be a problem? (You’re not the only person to say how good II is without mentioning I.)

II is better than I, but it doesn’t spend much time building the characters; that happens in I. I think you’d have more fun with II if you’ve already seen I.

Die Hard and Raiders of the Lost Ark are two of my favorite movies of all time. I loathe Bad Boys II. It’d easily make my list of worst movie ever. I really dislike Will Smith, I don’t find anything he does funny. The action’s crappy too. I thought my old roommate was the only person that liked that movie.

So here’s my list, for sheer brainless entertainment:[ol]
[li]Bad Boys II[/li][li]Out of Sight[/li][li]Kiss Kiss Bang Band[/ol][/li][/QUOTE]

Note to self: Don’t take movie advice from lissener.

Just now realised this, eh? :wink:

The cops in Hot Fuzz would certainly agree with the OP. :smiley:

Is this a movie about groupies? :slight_smile:

Die hard and Raiders are ggod choices.

To that I’ll add Aliens. The last hour or so is almost non-stop alien ass-kicking.
I don’t know of many other movies that keep the intensity level that high for that long.

Shit just got real.

I’d say:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Men in Black
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Buckaroo Banzai
True Lies
Die Hard
My Dinner with Andre

Not necessarily in that order. :wink:

I was insanely entertained by gorgeous Gabrielle Union 's strip tease in “Bad Boys II” but I don’t think that’s what the OP was referring to, though that’s the only part of the film that registered with me. :smiley:

In more recent fare, Shoot 'Em Up is still in the theaters and is basically a 2 hour roller coaster. They mangle the laws of physics and probability so badly that by the end of the movie, you’re laughing out loud at the giddy chuzpah of the whole thing.

I always heard that Moses stuttered.

Die Hard has got to be number 1. Hans Gruber is one of the greatest movie villains of all time.

What about Independence Day? It gets a lot of flak here because of the really stupid plot elements, but it has a high entertainment value. Just flip that little switch behind your ear to the “off” setting, and you’re ready to go.

I saw a clip in which Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci are having sex when a shootout breaks out. Clive Owen kills like 8 dudes all while rolling around the bedroom…without pulling out.

I gotta see that movie.

How is it possible that nobody posting to this thread has ever seen Big Trouble in Little China?

You know what Jack Burton always says at a time like this…

What about Equilibrium? Has everyone just forgotten about this gem?

Damn you, you just gave me residual Emily Watson wood. :mad:

I really enjoy this movie, and watch it again from time to time. But I wouldn’t go anywhere near saying that it’s a very entertaining movie. It’s a little too dark and philosophical for that.

And I’m very heartened to hear people say that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is that fun. I have it at home now from Netflix, but haven’t gotten around to watching it yet. Guess I know what I’m doing tonight.