Baker's Dozen II (Part 1)

Also pass.

gkster and Prof. P., you made me smile. I’m glad someone out there is still reading that story. My favorite bit has always been when they liberate a Portuguese slave ship, and there is this exchange as Nolan and a young officer, the narrator, are rowed back to their own U.S. Navy warship:

As we lay back in the stern-sheets and the men gave way, he said to me,—“Youngster, let that show you what it is to be without a family, without a home, and without a country. And if you are ever tempted to say a word or to do a thing that shall put a bar between you and your family, your home, and your country, pray God in His mercy to take you that instant home to His own heaven. Stick by your family, boy; forget you have a self, while you do everything for them. Think of your home, boy; write and send, and talk about it. Let it be nearer and nearer to your thought, the farther you have to travel from it; and rush back to it, when you are free, as that poor black slave is doing now. And for your country, boy,” and the words rattled in his throat, “and for that flag,” and he pointed to the ship, “never dream a dream but of serving her as she bids you, though the service carry you through a thousand hells. No matter what happens to you, no matter who flatters you or who abuses you, never look at another flag, never let a night pass but you pray God to bless that flag. Remember, boy, that behind all these men you have to do with, behind officers, and government, and people even, there is the Country Herself, your Country, and that you belong to Her as you belong to your own mother. Stand by Her, boy, as you would stand by your mother, if those devils there had got hold of her to-day!”

I was frightened to death by his calm, hard passion; but I blundered out, that I would, by all that was holy, and that I had never thought of doing anything else. He hardly seemed to hear me; but he did, almost in a whisper, say,—“Oh, if anybody had said so to me when I was of your age!”

I’ll take it, thanks!

And I pass too.

Four straight passes – a new record.
Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. John, Andy, and Esther Williams


Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different

[quote=“jtur88, post:4651, topic:846938, full:true”]
Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different
  8. Carole, Rufus and Martin Luther King

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different
  8. Carole, Rufus and Martin Luther King
  9. Rex, George and William Henry Harrison

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different
  8. Carole, Rufus and Martin Luther King
  9. Rex, George and William Henry Harrison
  10. Jerry and Andy Garcia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I know that in the case of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it looks like Garcia is his middle name and Marquez is his last name, but following Spanish naming conventions, the first or paternal surname is García and the second or maternal family name is Márquez .

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different
  8. Carole, Rufus and Martin Luther King
  9. Rex, George and William Henry Harrison
  10. Jerry and Andy Garcia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  11. Actor Richard, Bishop Neville, and basketball great Wilt “The Stilt” Chamberlain

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different
  8. Carole, Rufus and Martin Luther King
  9. Rex, George and William Henry Harrison
  10. Jerry and Andy Garcia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  11. Actor Richard, Bishop Neville, and basketball great Wilt “The Stilt” Chamberlain
  12. Mary, Dean and Steve Martin

Well-known threesomes with the same last names

  1. Roy, Ginger and Fred Rogers
  2. Andrew, Michael, and Jericho “Action” Jackson
  3. John, Andy, and Esther Williams
  4. Andrew, Boris and Lady Bird Johnson
  5. Neil Patrick, Joel Chandler and Kamala Harris
  6. Lyndon Baines, SF Giants catcher Brian, and actor Van Johnson
  7. Graham, Deborah and Clark Kerr, all pronounced different
  8. Carole, Rufus and Martin Luther King
  9. Rex, George and William Henry Harrison
  10. Jerry and Andy Garcia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  11. Actor Richard, Bishop Neville, and basketball great Wilt “The Stilt” Chamberlain
  12. Mary, Dean and Steve Martin
  13. John, Maud and Ansel Adams

Next up:

Single words likely to be in Joe Biden’s inaugural address

  1. Thank

Single words likely to be in Joe Biden’s inaugural address

  1. Thank
  2. Unity

Single words likely to be in Joe Biden’s inaugural address

  1. Thank
  2. Unity
  3. Heal

Single words likely to be in Joe Biden’s inaugural address

  1. Thank
  2. Unity
  3. Heal
  4. Together


Single words likely to be in Joe Biden’s inaugural address

  1. Thank
  2. Unity
  3. Heal
  4. Together
  5. Cooperation

Single words likely to be in Joe Biden’s inaugural address

  1. Thank
  2. Unity
  3. Heal
  4. Together
  5. Cooperation
  6. Forward