This thread is devoted to slagging off bands that youSHOULD like, but really can’t stand instead. Perhaps you like their contemporaries, maybe they’re well respected in music circles, maybe all your friends like them, maybe all or none of the above - but which bands do you really hate, even though objectively you should like them?
I’ll go first - I nominate Smashing Pumpkins.
I think I SHOULD like them but I don’t. They’re awful. Their sound is dreadful. Billy Corgan has a rotten singing voice and is weird.
Their lyrics are pretentious and yet juvenile. Despite all my rage I’m still just a rat in a cage. Why yes, Billy. Yes you are. Is he trying to be profound? Did he once work in a lab and is having flashbacks? Is he just anti rodent? Who the hell knows. 1979?? That’s a stupid song. Billy hon, you were 12 in 1979 - I don’t know what sort of flashbacks you’re having, but I’d prefer not to share them, thanks.
Furthermore, of all the fashion icons Billy Corgan could choose, he who has about 1 brazillion dollars, chooses Uncle Fester. GAH!!! They are just so damn bad.
I like similar bands - Sound Garden, Blind Mellon, Jane’s Addiction. They’re all kind of whiney and pretentious and yet I like them. I was a damn bee person for halloween one year! Hell, I like the Smiths! Ya talk about your whiney pretentious lyrics! I like Modest Mouse, and The Arcade Fire and all sorts of whiney pretentious bands! And lest anyone think I’m a music snob. Or an Emo music snob or something equally as annoying - I’ll admit publically that I kind of dig AQUA for god’s sake!
Honestly, the only band that I hate worse than the Smashing Pumpkins is Def Leppard and they REALLY suck. Yes, yes, I know their drummer only has one arm, good for him, blah, blah, blah. Well guess what? They sucked when he had two arms. It would be unusual for a band that plays instruments to benefit from the loss of a limb of any of it’s members - Def Leppard is certainly no exception.
So - if anyone want’s to refute my hatred of the Smashing Pumpkins, be my guest. I really feel that I must be missing something - there must be some aspect that I have just overlooked. However, perhaps they just suck.
Don’t bother refuting my hate for Def Leppard they are well and truely henious and no argument will convince me otherwise.
Or, if you prefer, list the band that you SHOULD like, but hate instead.