Bank of America bugging me for information when I log in

Hi Dopers,

Lately when I log into my BoA credit card account they’ve been presenting a pop-up asking me to verify my information, which then takes me to a screen where they ask 1) if I have dual citizenship, 2) occupation, and 3) salary. Try as I might, I can’t seem to find the “none of your damn business” button, so I’m wondering if there’s been some sort of change in money laundering laws or something that would cause them to pry. I just close the pop-up and they haven’t cancelled my account yet, but it makes me wonder.

FWIW, googling this seems to bring up various forum questions on the web from around the 2014-15 time frame, but I didn’t see anything useful. I had this same account back during those years, and they never asked me then.


I would contact the bank immediately. You may have some hijack.

You might want to read some of Brian Krebs website. He treats on a lot of this stuff.

Krebs on Security**

I don’t think so. I’ve been getting that message for some time when I log in. Since the info is none of their business, I just close the pop up. I’ve never had any problems.

Well, if the customer has been a client for a few years they should have all the information they need, and these three questions are not what they need.
The only reason that would legimately cause such questions would be suspicious activity on an account; and if so they can always send a letter. Or ask one to call in when one next goes to a branch. I would certainly not send that info out.

Ok, thanks. I get the same results whether I log in from the bookmark I’ve had forever, or from googling their home page. The https connection in the address bar claims to be verified by Symantec. If there was some sort of man-in-the-middle directing me to a fake web site, then presumably they’ve had my login for the past couple of weeks, and it seems unlikely that they’d be fishing for some irrelevant information and raising suspicions.

I am seeing the same crap. I ignore it.

It seems like pretty useless info. I guess they could use salary as a basis for credit limit. And maybe occupation has some correlation to credit worthiness. But looking up my credit score would probably tell them a lot more.

I’d send an email to customer service. If it’s a legit request (a single “I get it too” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s legit) they’ll be able to explain why this information is being requested, and can probably change a setting in your customer info so you don’t see it anymore. If nothing else, they should know this gimmick is annoying some of their customers.

When I log into Wells Fargo I get a popu up asking about my personal wealth. I just close it also. I think they are trying to get information to market crap to you - that’s all.

I don’t recall when I started to get it, but it could be a year or more.

It’s definitely not a fake website or a redirect. It’s my normal BOA account. It has the charges I’ve made to my credit card, and when I pay them I’m credited. There’s no abnormal activity or features of any kind.

I think the explanation that it’s a marketing ploy is the correct one.

Not sure the citizenship and place of residence of the OP.

Due to US banking regulations many banks all around the world have found themselves in the position of needing to verify whether their customers hold US citizenship, and this includes determining if their customer holds a second citizenship in the US that the bank does not already know about. Thank FBAR and FATCA regulations for the headache.

Income level and occupation may bear on anti money laundering regulations as well. If you claim to be a waiter but the bank has several hundred thousand dollars flowing through the account regularly then that would prove to be more of interest to authorities. I am not sure if such regulations actually exist, but the line of logic makes sense.

Huh. I access B of A from both my phone and my PC and I’ve never seen those questions.

Here’s what the pop-up says exactly:

FWIW, the personal information page already includes the information that I am a US citizen. For that account, I use a mailing address in the US.

It’s my oldest account (going back about 30 years), which is why I keep it. I use the card very sparingly, and have less than $20 in charges a month. I don’t have any other kind of account with BOA.

I’ve gotten it in the last two months. Legit.

I think it’s pressure on Financial institutions to keep up a defense on money laundering, etc. All started with the Patriot Act.

" I don’t have any other kind of account with BOA."

Maybe that’s related.

I never see that. But I also have both my savings and checking accounts, as well as a HELOC with BofA. The online login takes me to the general online banking page, which includes all 4 accounts.

**#!!$$ short edit window …

Another point - that’s also the only credit card I regularly use, so I charge on it every month, and I also pay it off every month, and never get charges. Maybe it’s related to not having used the card recently or carrying a balance on it.

I don’t get these messages on my other credit card accounts, including an American Express which I almost never use and another Visa on which I have multiple other accounts.

I have a small recurring charge on the BOA card which I pay off every month.

Capital One has been doing this to me too. It’s not a popup, but if I click on the address bar and erase “verify” after the last slash, it takes me to my account. If the FBI or whoever wants to verify my salary to make sure I’m not a drug dealing terrorist, they can put in the hours themselves. I see no reason to help them.

I’ve been getting the same popup for months now on a Chase account. I ignore it, but if they provided a “Fuck You Very Much” box I’d tick it.