Who’d win?
The fans!
(Feel dirty, must wash!)
Barbara Gordon, no question. Even in the wheelchair. She WAS Batgirl, for crying out loud.
Chloe would have to stop to pout, and Barbara would whup her.
Chloe. Without a question.
Next can we do Edgar Stiles vs. Dick Grayson?
Dick would win that one, sadly…
I mean, come on. Edgar’s cool, but Dick is Nightwing.
Well Chloe has tasted the blood of fresh kill, so she might not hesitate to do it again. She doesn’t seem nearly as stable as Babs, and she’s a lot more high-strung.
Babs of course is in better physical shape despite being confined to a wheelchair, and has years of superhero experience to draw from, plus all sorts of cool gadgets. But like her mentor, she probably wouldn’t be willing to kill, which could work against her.
Of course, both fictional ladies are among the l33t35t of haxx0rz, and if they just happened to spill an entire bottle of olive oil on themselves while tussling in a computer lab, it could stand to be a hell of a fight. Of course, feel free to substitute Yvonne Craig in her prime, Alicia Silverstone, OR Dina Meyer for Babs Gordon, rather than an animated or drawn version.
Maybe if this took place in a field in Smallville. The uneven terrain might slow Babs down long enough for Chloe to call for Clark, then fake a being knocked unconcious [sup]TM[/sup] long enough for Clark to help. Then again would he hit a girl in a wheelchair?
Wait a second. Chloe O’Brien? I read Chloe Sullivan.
Two birds with one stone: Chloe and Edgar hack the OMAC satellite, take incriminating photos of Nightwing and Star and threaten to show them to Oracle. That takes care of Dick. They then show the pictures to Babs anyway, then send in an OMAC electric warrior (as seen in OMAC #2) to put her in front of a subway.
This of course assumes that those two can work together… Yeah, they’re screwed. Except for Edgar. Never underestimate the Rage [sup]TM[/sup] of a fat virgin.
The part of Chloe O’Brien will be played by Harley Quinn, out of her costume. The part of Barbabra Gordon will be played by Karen Star in a red wig.