Thanks for the recommendations!
I was at the bookstore last night looking for some of these titles.
Gemmel: Read a couple of the sample chapters. Didn’t really like them.
Mundy: I found one of his other books (OM…), may pick it up after I get done with:
Farmer: I found Hadoth, looks pretty cool. Picked it up and will start it this weekend probably.
Wagner: Definitely high-concept (and not a stupid one at that) and the library has a copy. Will pick one up when I’m there next.
Conan: Next week man, the comic comes out. Busiek is a complete hack writer, but the art is damn cool. I worked my way through the Dark Horse reissues (I had ordered Marvel’s ESSENTIAL CONAN, but the store I ordered it from took at least six months without getting it and still managed to go out of business (what genius thought that opening a comic book store on the same block as another opening that same month would be a good idea? Not only that, but opening it two blocks down from the most venerable [if not best] comic store in Chicago? Seriously. Magic cards alone don’t a profit make any more) - I would have perferred that, because 1) the DH editions are expensive 2) whatever idiots they got coloring them really ruined BWS already crappy artwork. Fortunarely Vol. 3 picked things up a bit (BWS’ sudden leap in artistic talent to the guy we know and love didn’t hurt either), but if you ask me, Buscema had him beat by a mile.
Lieber: I really liked his Lankhmar stories in high school, making my way through two volumes of the White Wolf collections. The first thing I did after finishing the Conan compilation was head over to the book store to pick up Vol. 3, but apparently the publisher decided to repackage and renumber the series, and I couldn’t remember what stories I had read and which ones I didn’t (for some reason, I remember STARDOCK as being my favorite). I liked Lieber a lot back then, probably not as much as I like Conan now, but thought it was great that every story, these two dopes got the loot and promptly lost/spent it before the next story.
Anderson: Didn’t find the books mentioned, but saw a compilation of stories about the Knights Templar that was…interesting?
Lee: I recall hearing good things about her, but couldn’t find anything by her.
Groo: Man, Chicago Comics didn’t have anything. Nice enough place, but trying to get something ordered is like pulling teeth, so I’ve given up.
Sprague: Eh, tried it before, I think, and didn’t like.
Other Howard: I will definitely check this out. Solomon Kane is another one of those high-concept things that sounds interesting. The company that released the newest Conan compendium will release the entirety of the Kane stories in June, so I’ll wait for that. In the mean time, I’ll try to dig up the Cormac and Bran stories…
Looking through the Anderson/Farmer et. al. bibliographies, I was completely unaware that there was so much…“pastiching” going on. It seemed like each of these guys (and dozens of other writers besides) had to write a certain number of these stories or else…they wouldn’t have any credibility? Lost dozens of sales? Inflicted high-concept mush on an irredemably low-brow property? At any rate, during my research, I noticed that there’s such a great dislike of the “pastiche” novels (Conan’s at any rate), but no one seems to have figured out what the major problem is: Conan was written as a collection of short stories that were relatively loosely connected, while the pastiche novels are all 2-400 page long novels. Conan was never designed to go that long, so he could make his stories more intense without losing any of the impact.
Anyway, if anyone’s interested, here’s some other minor stuff I found:
SLAINE THE KING: Reprint of a Celtic-based series from HEAVY METAL. Apparently there is at least one volume before this and three after, but Glenn Fabry takes over the art halfway through this and really screws it up. The first half is pretty interesting (it’s got that certain HEAVY METAL bent to it that makes it more interesting) and …McMahon’s art (forget his first name) is phenomenal.
AXE OF THE MINOTAUR: Not so much a story as a collection of pinups with some text thrown in to justify why this guy spent so much time drawing a dude with a bucket on his head and leopard-print loincloth. The art is actually quite nice, if a bit too much in the Manowar/Boris Vallejo vein for originality’s sake, but the company, Hoffman Entertainment has a huge catalogue of barbarian comics as well as some Russ Meyer-looking stuff (including THOR: THE ROCK GOD which was apparently written and/or drawn by Jon Mikl-Thor).