After months of waiting Battlestar Galactica: Razor starts in less than an hour on SciFi! I’ve resisted the temptation to download that leaked copy. I’ve also seen very few of the clips SciFi is showing since nothing is going to get me to sit through another hour of Flash Gordon and there’s very little on SciFi that I watch now.
Well, it’s off to a good start, nice agressive opening
two annoyances that kinda’ pull me out of the moment…
the knife used in the opening is a standard Buck Koji (nice blade, BTW, very well made)
the door opening sound is the standard Starfleet Holodeck door sound minus the “whirr-hiss” at the end
I’m glad I’m not the only one to REFUSE to watch Flash Gordon just to see the Razor teasers!
I only watched the Flashback trailers online, Flash Gordon, sorry, not a fan, it doesn’t even merit a Rifftrax
I’m hoping to see more Classic TOS BSG stuff than was in the flashbacks, some more Classic BaseStars, Centurions and Raiders
It’d be nice to hear that flat, metallic, emotionless “By your command” again
Is it just me or is Cain’s hair darker? I like the “futuristic” touchs on Pegasus lacking on Galactica. I missed “Gina”'s real name, what was it?
Frak, I forgot how cold Cain could be, gunning down her XO for failure to comply with orders
Interesting plot twist with Gina and Cain being lovers, kinda’ explains the hatred she displayed for her in the Resurrection Ship episodes
You are not alone.
And a parallel with Baltar and Six.
Neither of home it seems are in Razor. They even cut off before his voice came on wireless. Nice choice on the actor playing young Adama. It would’ve looked stupid to have Bamber play him. The actor playing Cain’s XO played Rhade on Andromeda, didn’t he?
Yaay!, an interior shot of a TOS Raider and the infamous “BYC” line, complete with gold “Command” Centurion
Heh, You got your wish.
It was nice, but looked too CGI. The galley exchange between Kara and Shaw was cool, though for a moment I thought she and Kara were going to share a needle :eek: !
Yes, far too digital, but a nice touch nonetheless
so, the XO of Peg was a Toaster too (the older guy), wonder if he’s the Fifth Cylon?
No, they’re too different actors. The Hybrid looks older than Fisk He’s also coherent, unlike the “modern” Hybrids we’ve seen before. What did the Hybrid mean when he said “to my children I am a god”. Who are his children? The classic models who logically must’ve created him or the humanoid Cylons who deemed him obsolete and wanted him eliminated?
Good point, Hybrid Rev. 1 was definitely more coherent then the Rev. 2 model, after I posted the above, I realized the two actors were different, Rev. 1 Hybrid clearly looks older
hopefully they’ll replay Razor after Bloodrayne, it merits a second viewing
Holy Frak - Cain’s musing about how Helena (is that right?) must be vulnerable to pain, degradation and shame, and then ordering Thorne to be “creative” - that was the coldest, scariest thing I’ve heard on this show. Well, maybe a toss-up between that and the order to shoot the families.
This was the good stuff - I do wish, though, that we’d gotten to see some “private time” with Cain and Helena. Not just cause it would’ve been hot (though that too, of course) - that’s the sort of relationship I’d have liked to have seen fleshed out a bit more. Cain was no Baltar - there had to have been more to it then, “hey, I’m a hot humanoid Cylon - let’s frak!”
Helena is Cain’s first name. That particular Six was named Gina Iverre. What the hell was up with those Quiznos had pointing how Cain and Gina were lovers and Adama discovered the Hybrid experiments?
Just when you thought that BSG couldn’t find a hotter woman to put on the show, we get Major Shaw. I’m a straight woman but there was no denying, she was beautiful. Ice cold, though. The actress did a good job. An interview with Stephanie Jacobsen.
It’s Gina, the same Gina who nukes Cloud 9 later, thanks to our favorite race traitor, Gaius Baltar. Helena was Cain’s first name.
Did everyone get those Quizno’s commercials on their viewing? This one said, “It was revealed that Gina Inviere and Admiral Cain were lovers. Brought to you by Quizno’s…mmm-mmm good!” Or something to that effect
What did people make of the hybrid guy’s prediction about Starbuck? She’s the harbinger of the apocalypse, she will lead the human race to its end? WTF? Any theories as to what that meant?
New season will be in March, apparently. Can’t wait.
Young Adama was perfectly cast – looked like Jamie Bamber, talked like James Olmos!
The POV character just… didn’t inspire anything. Not disinterest because it was obvious she was gonna die, just disinterest because she wasn’t interesting. Realistic portrayal of emotional disengagement because of that level of trauma, maybe, but needed something more to make her sympathetic.
Caine, on the other hand, came off as even more evil than she had been before. No, not because of the Gina rape command – because she cold-bloodedly shot her XO who was apparently close enough that his kids wanted to see her, after she’d indicated that she wasn’t going to do what he’d just questioned her about. Frakkin’ off her rocker.
Nice touch calling back to prior plot points like the Scylla, the no-abortions exec order, etc.
The CGI of the old school Centurions was just pants. They looked just fine in the original series as guys-in-suits, they’d been shown in the miniseries as the guys-in-suits model… why, oh why, didn’t they leave them as the guys-in-suits and leave their CGI budget for stuff they do good? Like space battles?!
The utterly bizarre Quiznos blips seem to have been part of some cell-in or online contest. They were weird, and preceeded that insanely annoying Quiznos commercial where they call their shit “sammies”, and so inspire only thoughts of homicide in me.
However, the GLAAD commercial at the end was kinda cool hearing Jamie Bamber’s real accent – after Hornblower, Band of Brothers, and Galactica it was kind of startling. Although I didn’t recognize half the other guys.
Starbuck better not be the last Cylon. They’ve hinted at that way too much, it’d be too obvious. They need to do something really surprising.
My brother thought he might be referring to modern Cylons. That he’s the monotheistic god that they always refer to. I’m not sure about the wanting to destroy him part.