Bay Area Dopefest- The Chieftain, Sat 7/14, 6:30pm

Thread title changed.

Err… 7/14, not 6/14. We haven’t had the dopefest yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m blameless. I just copy-and-pasted from the request. :smiley:

I’d be bringing a guest too. Cookies +1

Sister and fambly are coming to town that day but there’s plenty of relatives to keep them entertained.

Count me in. Just one unless I get lucky next few weeks :slight_smile:

Oh and I’m happy not to do it at Jillian’s. Been there once for a UFC, they had an unadvertised $20/person cover charge at the door and two servers for one huge room of hungry people.

I’m in - I knew an internship in San Francisco would be a good idea. :slight_smile:

I don’t even know why I try anymore. I always screw those up. :sigh:

Count me in. It’ll be my first.

14th? I’m there.

I may be able to make it. It’s two weeks before my wedding though, so I may be running around like a madwoman that weekend instead.

You will see me there. (I guess that’s sorta the point of the thing, isn’t it?)

Is Berkeley part of the SF Bay Area? Are true Believer Liberals allowed in SF? :wink:
I’ve never been, so I’m going to try. Solo mio.
We don’t have to divulge our usernames, do we? Some of my posts… :o

Count me in.

So, the list so far.


lobstermobster ( +1 )
Dunawake ( +1 )
Truy McClure SF
ComeToTheDarkSideWeHaveCookies ( +1 )
Mr. Excellent

Total: 15 people


Total: 1 person
Looking good :smiley: If you aren’t on the list, post! Do we have an upper limit on people for this psycat or Troy?

Isn’t SF kinda uptight and conservative for you folks in Berkeley? :dubious:

Count me in.

I’m not on the list. I will be there.

Yeah, but you can get some damn good chinese food over there. :stuck_out_tongue:
(Paraphrasing a tourist overheard on pier 39 while watching the seals.)

Nope. No upper limit. I reserved for 20, but it’s a bar. We’ll find space.

The more the merrier.

Awww man. I was hoping for some new action! :stuck_out_tongue: