Before I close down tonight , this is for Kambucta :-

And WTF is ‘Onion Jello’ pray tell???


ONION jello?? :eek:

I’ve never even heard of it before, but:


Vegemite, vegemite, vegemite!

We’re happy little vegemites!

Mmmmmmm, sex with Englebert and a jar of vegemite! In a SUV! Circ’ed or uncirc’ed I wouldn’t care!

Hmmm but would I have to lie very, very still?

Kambucta, Primaflora: you are officially on my enemies list. Consider yourselves warned.

Onion jello was not something I made, let alone put in my mouth, on purpose. When I was a kid, my mom used to make me jello in little tupperware containers. Unfortunately, an identical container was used to store sliced onions for hamburgers. One day she decided she didn’t need to store sliced onions this way anymore, washed a container, and made orange Jello in it. Keep in mind this was a small, shallow container – one serving of Jello.

I guess Tupperware just sucked the essence out of those onions because when I took that first bite of orange Jello, the taste was the most unholy, foul substance EVER. Think of onion juice extracted to many, many times its natural potency – and with an ‘old, pungent, juicy, nearly rotting’ onion flavor. What was worse than the taste was that the aftertaste was virtually impossible to eliminate – not even after brushing my tongue several times, washing my mouth out, and doing anything else I could conceive.

As God-awful as that experience was, Vegemite is a close second. I actually took in some Marmite to my anthropology class (for one of those food and culture projects). The only person who dared to eat that disgusting black sludge rushed out of the room to vomit.

My father insists that it has a pleasant beefy taste. Needless to say, I disagree. Vegemite / Marmite is about as ‘pleasant’ as having hydrochloric acid rubbed into your genitals with sandpaper.

Father John thinks so!

Sorry Kambucta;

I know I’m being a silly imp; but I just had to get mad .

But…you hurt 2 people big time.

If you think I belong in the Cookcoo’s nest I would’nt blame you.

It’s been raining for darned near 3 weeks here in Seattle and nobody loves me any more.

Awwww - why don’t you put on a copy of Release Me and enjoy a nice wholesome Jack burger? Perhaps you could summon one up with your extra-sensory powers?

[sub]And who was the other person he hurt? Engleburt himself? 'Cause I didn’t know he read this board. Or do you send him printed copies of these threads or read them out at one of his many fan club meetings or something?[/sub]

Hey, guys I know your’e having a lot of fun, but , I can’t belive there’s such a lack of understanding even by now.

I think maybe I made the mistake of not making it clear that when I was talking about E.H. I was talking mostly about him ,…not as he is NOW, but with the idea of his whole span of life as a celebrity. And a lot require’s me to refer to the person he was when just starting his career.

That had to happen because of the points I was trying to make.

It’s so simple but somehow it got turned into a big mess.

Please get over the notion that I have the hots for that man or that kind of thing! I don’t see him that way at all.

It just hurts to hear derogatory or otherwise untrue remarks about him. He’s had a hard time because of that crazy name he’s has to live with as it is.

I happen to know that he’s an intelligent, aimiable, talented man with integrity.

Many of the things said about him are untrue and come from vauge impressions , I think, and not actual knowledge.

I have special reasons for appreciating him and it’s hard to talk about it.

How much clearer can I make myself? It’s simple really. It doesn’t HAVE to be blown out of proportion!

And,…I’ve been thinking about this:- putting a handle like that awful name on him was the worst thing in his life. That’s because a lot of people associate a crazy or funny name with a goofy personality. They don’t care to find out what he’s like really, and it’s fun to make fun.

Have any of you looked into that photo-gallery website I gave to you,by the way? Seeing that, has it’s place in one facet of my defense.

Give me a break; please.

Here it

Dude, what you’re doing isn’t “appreciation”… it’s just plain obsessive.

Just a friendly piece of advice. I once had a similar obsession with Underpants.

For Godsakes deeward, NOBODY has made an ‘untrue’ remark about your current obsession. They have voiced their OPINIONS about the old geezer. Now you may agree or disagree, but you cannot accuse people of lying about how they feel!

Get a fucking life.

Umm… Isn’t “Englebert Humperdinck” a stage name? Let’s see…

Yep, according to this interview his real name is Arnold Dorsey. Not that that’s a whole lot better, but any grief he gets for “Englebert” is entirely his own fault. In fact, I’d assume he enjoys it, as he is aparently “goofy” enough to name himself "Englebert Humperdinck.

I’m surprised you didn’t already know this, deewad. Until know I thought you were a pathetic fan for being way to into this guy. Now I think you’re a pathetic fan in the sense of not being very good at it.

We know!:rolleyes:

Honestly - nobody else started any threads about Englebert Humperdink before you showed up. You’re the one with your panties all in a twist over the situation. You’re the one who brought this to the BBQ Pit. Don’t suddenly pull this “it’s personal, I don’t want to talk about it” crap. If you bring something down to the pit, you should expect some pretty scathing responses.

And really, the problem isn’t with Englebert persay. I mean, your obssession with him is pretty weird, but then a lot of things are. If you had just professed your undying love for him once, you probably would have recieved replies that went something like “Ewww, Englebert Humperdink, weird!” and there the matter would have ended. But no, you had to push it until it became what future generations will doubtlessly refer to as “The Great Englebert Incident of 2002”. Now, as I see it your problems are as follows:

  1. You still haven’t provided an argument as to why you hate Kambuckta. Every one of your posts is a childish refrain of “quit picking on me!” or “I hate you!”. Please, please, please try to form a coherent argument! Preferable without mentioning he-who-is-close-to-godliness.

  2. Get this into your head - this isn’t really about Englebert! No, no, it’s about you!

  3. You just won’t let the matter die!

  4. You are semi-delusional about your relationship with Englebert Humperdink.

Also, as a bonus, I must point out that Englebert Humperdink was not his real freaking name! What, did you think it was just a coincidence that there was another composer with that name already?

Miller, I swear your post wasn’t there when I clicked reply - it just took me a while to compose the opus above. I have to give kudos to you for distilling the point of the last part of my post much better than I could myself.

Did the composer have a hard time with the name too?

Deeward, I agree with the rest. You brought this on yourself, and kambuckta simply gave an opinion – which didn’t merit a Pit thread.

Now, it’s just like watching a tiny forest creature being mauled by tigers: alarming, but strangely captivating.

Now, I know you kids are just goofing off here, but it’s time to get a little serious. You’re overlooking a few things.

What I may not have stipulted enough is that I value Margaret Thatcher’s career as a whole. That is to say, I am not insinuating I have the hots for her as she looks now. But back in the day, she was quite the looker. This is not just my opinion, it is a fact. See for yourselves:

It’s unfortunate that our discussion devolved into a shit slinging fest. Maggie is worth so much more than that.

I am offended by your suggestions of Margaret as a sex symbol. I, for one, value her for her intelligence and wit. True, her classic beauty IS striking (see for yourself over here), but let’s not degrade ourselves by thinking of her as an object of primitive lust!

I weep when I hear all those putdowns and lies about Maggie. She’s struggled all her life to overcome her good looks, and let people appreciate her for what and who she really is! No, marrying a stunning playboy like Dennis probably wasn’t the best idea to get this point across, but then, hindsight is 20/20. It’s cheap and tacky to attack her for that now.

I know firsthand that she’s a very likeable and compassionate woman. Her determinance in the Falkland wars strengthened the resolve of a dying world power. Other world leaders would have shivered at the thought of using a war to brush up on your nation’s self esteem, but Maggie always put HER people first. Besides, those Argentinian meanies started it.

I think many people are just basing their opinions on the left wing media. They’re always so quick to put her down. But it’s all lies, I tell you.

Maggie has touched my heart deeply, and I want to share that with as many people as possible. It’s difficult, carrying this burden that not everyone appreciates.

You don’t HAVE to exagerate everything about her jus because you don’t like her. It’s simple, really.

A lot of people don’t take the effort to look past the oppression of the working class, and the grand scale destruction of small South Atlantic islands. All they see is bitchy old Maggie. Make the effort, people! There’s a warm and caring soul behind that steel facade.

Please, browse the websites I linked to in this post. Be sure to check out the photo-gallery, and THEN tell me you still can’t find something likeable about Maggie. I dare you!

Please, give me and Maggie some credit here!

[sub]deeward, how would you feel if all my posts were like this one? And what about if I’d start 4 Maggie Thatcher threads a day, spread out over various forums, foaming at the mouth when someone disgrees with me? A small piece of advise: give it a fucking REST already. Thank you.[/sub]

Coldfire, I’m speechless (and probably a bit mad because I actually clicked on the links you provided!!)

Now I’m (I think) a straight hetero sheila, but I found Maggie strangely more desirable than Mr. Hump Dink.

I’ll happily give you AND Maggie much credit!!!

Ewwww! Margaret Thatcher, weird!

I think we have the makings of a “Celebrity Deathmatch” episode here.

My money’s on the Iron Lady.