Oh man, this is can of worms.
I have done everyting!
Well almost. Check this out.
Lexicon has (in no particular order):
Been a waiter at TGI Fridays. and a mom n’ pop Mexican restaurant.
Washed dishes in same mom ‘n’ pop dive. That sucked.
Roofing. Nuff said.
Construction, both onsite and off, building trusses.
Video store clerk @ Blockbuster. The epitomy of the job that you don’t give two shits about and eventually get fired from.
Bouncer. At a “gentelmen’s club”. That’s the PC way to say “sleazy titty bar” right? And at the college bar across the street. That was fun, for so many reasons.
Security at a waterpark. What a joke. I actually picked up innertubes and ogled the clientele.
Personal defense instructor. While nowhere near the echalon that folks like Glitch have reached, I was asked to assist in PE 206 my second year of college, it was personal defense. That was fun.
Sales shmuck. Selling anything for commision is a drag. I hated it, but needed a job.
Assistant crack whore. Hey, I was lonely.
Not really, it’s just that dating this one girl was a full time job of bailing out and wringing out and such. What was I thinking.
Wildland fire-fighter. This was awesome. Like getting paid to hike and camp and do other guy stuff like cut trees down. I miss my polasky and my mccloud more and more the closer it gets to summer.
Manager @ Structure. Some of you may have heard of this store. It’s (probably)in your local mall. I spent most of my time in front of hot dog on stick, drinking enough lemonade so they would run out and have to make more. This job was the biggest no brainer. I know, it was made for me. Heh.
Grease monkey. Changing oil in like 4,000 cars for a rental car company is a real drag. And it’s dirty. And greasy. That sucked too.
And my current job!
Tech support! It’s pretty cool, and no, it’s not for AOL. I hate AOL as much as the next guy, and I work for someone else. I can’t tell you who tho. Bummer.
I think that 'bout sums it up. You?
how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…