think of the reason(s) why. For example, if a duo or a group of people are talking about a vacation they took, and few people fail to conversate. It should occur to them the reason why they won’t join in the convo is because THEY DIDN’T GO ON THAT VACATION WITH THEM. SO how and hell can they relate?
I too refuse to “conversate”.
Didn’t your English teacher ever tell you that “conversate” ain’t a word?
[sub]Yes, I said “ain’t” while correcting someone’s language.[/sub]
My bad guys, how do I say it? Conversating?
And, why can’t I edit my OP?
Conversate. Og. Manny. Gotcha ya. Fucko off. ItShut up.
Sorry to preempt.
“few people fail to talk”?
“Converse” would be the correct word here.
Five posts that had nothing to do w/ the content of the OP. :rolleyes:
Converse, something like that. It’s early in the morning.
English teacher? They didn’t teach us that. We’re from the midwest we’re stoopid…tee hee hee hee.
Argh! A spelling peeve of the pet variety!
But I have to agree with the OP. Other reasons;
-Maybe I’m shy.
-Maybe I have laryngitis (yes, that is currently my excuse).
-Maybe I’d rather be thought a fool than remove all doubt.
-Maybe I’m preoccupied because of something personal going on in my life, and thank you, no, I don’t want to share.
-Maybe I find your conversation to be so irrelevant, banal, bigoted, or idiotic that I don’t want to take part.
-Maybe I’m afraid that any participation on my part might be misconstrued as my wanting to be anything but a complete stranger to you.
Manny people try conversate with Og. But Og tell them to ItShut up and Fucko off. If they don’t Fucko off, then Og smash. Og look at smashed people and say, “Gotcha ya, Potsy”.
Welcome to the board. You’re getting the full bolus of board cliches and in-jokes. While it may seem confusing at first, you’ll soon find yourself becoming more comfortable around the cliches; they’ll become either your trusted friends or your worst enemies, depending on your approach to SDMB.
When come back, bring pie.
If you were referring to the SDers…I noticed!
But, either way we’re gonna have some fun!!! evil laugh
Some would argue that was the most sensible post I’ve ever written.
I just wanted everybody to know I’m not posting in this thread.
But that doesn’t make me anti-social, does it?
Etcetera ad infinitum ad nausaeum.
[letter to TubaDiva]
Dear TubaDiva,
I have a very serious compaint about the SDMB. Everybody is starting to post in Martian.
Please send beer.
[/letter to TubaDiva]