Interesting list. At this point I was almost exclusively listening to an Alternative rock format (independent/non-Clear Channel) that plays a wide variety of current “singles” as well as a good dose of older, though mostly mid-80s-present alternative hits and non-hits.
I also think they have played every Foo Fighters song ever released.
Yet, I have no idea what this is: Foo Fighters - DOA
I’ve never heard of: 10 Years
I have heard System Of A Down and Three Days Grace songs, but only on “hard rock” stations, and probably not since around 2002 and 2004 respectively. I think maybe because there are some “modern rock” stations that embraced some harder and nu metal stuff longer than others.
I don’t think I heard much Incubus on the radio post- “Megalomaniac.” This song definitely didn’t make the cut here.
AFI did have 1 HUGE hit song on alternative radio around this time, but this wasn’t it.
Most Red Hot Chili Peppers songs post-Californication all sound the same to me, and they all seem to have some lyric/melody that goes like “Hey Nowww, yabba dabba doo” at some point in the song.
I heard this a lot, but nowhere near as much as the other remaining songs:
Pearl Jam - World Wide Suicide- Probably one of their most forgettable songs during their most forgettable era, IMHO.
These were played All the Time:
Nine Inch Nails - Every Day Is Exactly The Same (I guess a little better than every song being exactly the same, but doesn’t standout for them)
The Raconteurs - Steady, As She Goes (My least favorite Jack White project and song)
The Killers - When You Were Young (I don’t generally like The Killers, but this was better than all their whiny recent songs, I guess. I kinda like it but there are things about it I dislike with no explanation, like the “beautiful boy” lyric. Maybe I just don’t like second person lyrics sung by a whiny guy about a girl)
My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade - Wow, I guess I’m forced to pick this. I remember hating them around 2003-2004, and being surprised this was embraced how it was. I resisted it but eventually liked it well enough to say it wins this weak class for me.