Best android calendar apps

Another “i have a new phone” question, although this one is really due to my calendar app “business calendar 2” deciding to go to a subscription model. And serving really obnoxious ads at the free level. (Ads for tik tok that fill the screen, are hard to dismiss, and look like they would be easy to “butt install this app” .)

So, i like a calendar that shows a lot of info in a small widget, works with my 30 subscribed Google calendars (not an exaggeration, and many of those are shared) and is easy to use to search my calendars, add single or recurring items, duplicate an item, etc.

The default Google calendar doesn’t appeal to my esthetics, and takes too much space. I want smaller print and higher density.

I’m willing to pay for an app, but I’m not willing to subscribe at $9 per year (or $2 per month) which is the new price for business calendar 2 pro.

Any suggestions? What do y’all like?

I’ve used aCalendar by Tapir for years. I eventually paid for the paid version. It looks more like a real calendar and less like a Google calendar. You can configure it as you like. I only have it synced to 5 calendars, but I don’t see why you can’t sync it to more. Duplicating and repeating events is easy. Font size is adjustable.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try.

Also, i see that i still own the paid copy of the original business calendar app. It’s not as nice as business calendar 2, but it also doesn’t try to install tiktok on my phone. :smiley: I have widgets from both of these on a new page, any I’ll me around with them for a couple of weeks and see what i like.

Dunno, we use Cozi and have for many years but it’s not specific to Android, if that’s what you’re after. My whole family uses it together, Apples and Androids.