There are so many funny Simpsons moments, but everyone most have a favourite one, or possible three, so hit me back and tell me what you think are the funniest , most topical, or downright mad, as for me, well im struggling to narrow it down
I think i will post mine up once i get some inspiration from you lot, cheers - Homer J
When Milhouse hands Nelson a love note that was from Lisa while sitting in the classroom…the scene goes from Milhouse handing him the note to Milhouse bursting through the front doors on a stretcher.
Homer is abducted by Kang and Kodos. Turns around and drops his drawers and say “well… let’s get this over with”. Kang (or Kodos replies “No no no, we have reached the limits of what we can learn from rectal probing”
The episode Stephen King appeared on, for the fact that John Updike ghost-wrote Krusty’s biography (and also made an appearance) and also for this moment with King:
When Homer joins the Navy Reserves and takes the sub to Russia…
“He’s heading for the Soviet Union!” “No, it’s Russia now.” “That’s what you think!” The Russian UN guy presses a button and the card that says Russia switches to a card that says USSR. Floats in a Russian parade have tanks coming out of them. Lenin smashes out of his glass case and wanders around like a mummy: “Must… crush… capitalism” Good stuff.
That episode also had the “In the Navy” song, which is another favorite moment