Best of luck to matt_mcl!

The annoying thing is that if we all lived in one area, we’d have the votes to elect him!

Well, I am a far cry from an NDP supporter, but I will give Matt_mcl a pat on the back. Like the party or not, I respect someone who puts the effort into running for a seat. God knows its far more than I have ever done, or likely to do.

Good luck!

I don’t live in matt_mcl’s riding, and therefore can’t vote there, but I can say that knowing him personally, he’d be a hell of a lot better than anyone else running.

  • s.e.

Tune in for results from matt_mcl’s riding, refreshed every thirty seconds:

Way cool! The page is refreshing itself and everything.

Uh-oh, with 14.35% counted, Matt’s got 3.6% of the vote. It’s gonna be a long night, I’m afraid.

Still, it’s a Good Thing. Congratulations, Matt!

Wyldkard and I are both Matt’s roommates, and we’ve already cast our votes.

Can’t let that damn NDP get in, or they’ll waste our tax money on feeding hungry children instead of building good old-fashioned nukes. :smiley:

OUCH stop throwing tomatoes. Of course we’re both card-carrying members of the NDP and voted for Matt

With 199 of 203 (95.22%) of polls reporting at this hour:

Liza Frulla (Liberals) 64.3% (this is the ruling party)
Sonia Goulet (Bloc Quebecois) 25.8%
Bernard Cote (PC) 4.4%
Matt McLauchlin (NDP) 3.6%
Joe de Santis (Alliance) 1.4% (official opposition)
Robert Lindblad (n/a) 0.6%

Yeah, baby. Our Matt beat out the official opposition. Many congratulations, Matt.

Congrats, matt!

Matt has so far gotten 1.2% more of the total vote (I got it right this time ;)) than last election!


Thanks, you folks. I’m really thrilled and honoured by what you’ve had to say tonight. It’s just so gratifying to know what good sentiments exist here. I really appreciate it. (And I wish you all lived in my riding too :wink:

But the BIG NEWS is that the New Democrat guy is beating the pants off the Liberal in Windsor West!!!

With 94,14% of polls reporting, Brian Masse of the NDP beat Richard Pollock of the Liberals, 42,9% to 35%! In the Libs’ own damn election!

We wooon! We woooon!! We wooooooooooonnnnn!

happy dance

:cool: :cool: :cool: <— orange NDP smilies

Hey Matt we love you and happen to think you’d make a decent politician.

I think you’re doing pretty great given the turn out i think you are doing at least as well if not better than last time.

Great bIg HUGS!!!

and you’ve got almost triple the Alliance vote, another YaY!!!

Electoral district results
2002 By-elections
May 13, 2002
Results as of:
12:10 a.m. (EDT) on May 14, 2002
Number of polls reporting:
209 of 209 polls (100.00 %)
Voter turnout at 12:10 a.m. (EDT):
17,080 of 67,956 registered electors (25.13 %)

                    Bernard Côté  
                                       Progressive Conservative
                                       Party of Canada  
                    Joe De Santis  
                                       Canadian Reform
                                       Conservative Alliance  
                    Liza Frulla  
                                       Liberal Party of Canada  
                    Sonia Goulet  
                                       Bloc Québécois  
                    Robert Lindblad  
                                       No Affiliation  
                    Matthew McLauchlin  
                                       New Democratic Party  

Congrats, Matt, on increasing your percentage of the vote. But I guess I can tell you that when you get home.

My only question – who were the 113 people who voted for Lindblad?!

The guy had no platform except that he was a “world-famous psychic” who nobody’s ever heard of. He had the charisma of a dead Canadian Senator, the social skills of a man raised by oysters, and to say he had a poor grasp of the issues would be to suggest he had any grasp of them at all.

But if I continue in this vein, this’ll wind up in the Pit :wink:

Psst, Hamish, you forgot to add that he advertized himself as the only candidate with a B.A. in PoliScience.

Another one to send you its congrats matt. BTW, Alexa called us from Florida last night and in case you didn’t know, Normand beat Boris.

Wow, 3.70 % ! All our hard work paid off.

Thank you once again. I’m back in Montreal, and now I’ve nought to do until July except go to work and do two months’ worth of laundry. :slight_smile: