I am not associated with Redletter Media and I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. This isn’t an advertisement or anything like that; I’m just sharing. Addtionally, this episode, especially the opening 10 minutes or so, will be funnier if you know the guys. However, last night’s episode of Best of the Worst was one of the funniest hours I have seen this past year. My wife and I were laughing so hard we could not watch.
If you don’t know the show, the guys pick three videos. Usually, they watch 3 movies of a certain genre or that share a quality. Always crappy vhs movies. At the end, they vote which was the “Best of the Worst” and which was the worst and must be destroyed.
Sometimes, they do Wheel of the Worst and let a wheel pick some odd VHS self-help or other kind of odd video. Last night was Wheel of the Worst #11 and it was outrageous.
Anyway, last night, the wheel picked:
- How to Seduce Women through Hypnosis - My God this was hilarious
- A Linda Blair video on getting revenge - My goodness this was creepy/odd
- UPC = 666 - not that funny, but not unfunny.
The first two videos were hilarious. My wife and I enjoy watching the guys reactions as they watch the movies and this episode was outrageous. The guys never peek at the videos in advance and never really know what to expect.
Best of the Worst is pretty much risen to one of my favorite shows to relax with. If you want to have some fun, check out other ones. All are free.
Here is the latest one and I think it works fairly well as a place to start.
Enjoy and share you thoughts here.
Anyone else love this show?