Better Call Saul: 1.09 Pimento

I can’t imagine Gustavo would ever meet with him in public.
He wouldn’t want to lose face.:wink:

Does Saul have money made from Breaking Bad stashed somewhere to hide on?

When Tuco was on they had to get not only his permission but his union’s permission to keep his name out of the opening credits. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did the same thing for Gus.

From what I understand, with an actor even as big as Tuco, SAG (or whomever would take care of these matters) requires his name to be at the beginning of the show. Vince & Crew managed to get it changed to keep his appearance a surprise. You’ll notice the name Tuco didn’t even show up. Nacho said that he didn’t even know that he was going to be working with Tuco until the day before he showed up to work. In all the scripts he had to memorize, it just said Mijo.

On the other hand, knowing Gus was going to be on the show, and running it in the teasers and commercials, would bring in a ton of extra viewers.

Would it? Are there really people who are Breaking Bad fans, but who just aren’t interested in a show with Saul Goodman and Mike, but who WOULD watch a particular episode because of Gus being in it?

I gotta say I’m skeptical.


By the way, they are dropping the entire season on Netflix streaming as soon as the last episode airs. Tons of people who missed this the first time around are going to get to watch the whole thing soon. There are going to be a ton of new viewers when Season 2 of this great season starts.

Looked like he did something akin to this.

I don’t know, maybe. At the very least it might make some people say 'Ohhh, Gus is on this episode, I can’t wait to see it" and watch it when it’s on instead of sometime in the next few days. From what I’ve heard (both from Vince and other celebrities over the years), it makes a difference if you watch it live vs if you watch it at a different time.

I remember some other celeb saying something like ‘please watch [some show] live, not the next day’. She might have even said ‘within two hours’, but I could be making that up. A few weeks ago Vince half jokingly asked his viewers to not only watch the show live, but to watch the commercials twice.
Anyways, what about viewers who watched Breaking Bad but not BCS, maybe knowing that Gus (or Jesse if/when that happens) is going to be on is the final straw that’s going to get them to start watching.

I think that was implied. It’s been awhile since I saw the last season of Breaking Bad, though, so I could be misremembering.

Speaking of Gus, did the meeting spot for Nacho and Mike look an awful lot like the chicken farm in BB or is it just me? I’m not sure it was exactly the same, but maybe this is before Gus buys it and turns it into a cartel conference space?

How so?

That’s not really screwing him. It was honestly ridiculous for Jimmy to think Chuck would just give him a job at this giant lawfirm with his mailorder law degree. It was cowardly not to tell him that directly though.

I was a huge BB fan and almost didn’t even bother checking out BCS. After a couple episodes has piled up on my DVR I almost just deleted them, but decided to give the first episode 20 minutes. I was hooked within about 3.

I can easily imagine a ton of BB fans not watching. It’s easy to be skeptical. And if I had gone the other way and deleted BCS without watching, it’s very likely I would have tuned in to see Gus.

After he brought them a 20 million dollar case?

He means the flashback, when Jimmy first told Chuck he passed the bar, a few years before the show’s “present”. I do think it is reasonable he’s not hired as a lawyer at a big shot firm when he has a mail order degree from the University of American Samoa. But Chuck should have told him that, not Hamlin.

On the other hand, I expect partners at big firms to give their family preferential treatment from time to time. I mean, it was reasonable not to hire him, but it wasn’t ridiculous to think he would from Jimmy’s point of view. It probably happens all the time. Come to think of it, that’s probably what happened to Hamlin the Younger. Except he got preferential treatment from undergrad all the way to partner, while Jimmy tried to do it on his own until he was faced with an unfavorable job search.

And I’m still wondering when we’ll see the mysterious second Hamlin. I’m just assuming he’s Howard’s father, but it might be a similar older brother thing. I highly doubt Chuck and Howard started out as partners though. I’m almost certain Howard is the beneficiary of the older Hamlin’s nepotism.

Mike should have asked him what color the boathouse is at Hereford.

What is the time frame anyway (not so much order; more years and time passing in between)?

Jimmy in Chicago…
Chuck healthy and gets him out of trouble…
Jimmy in the mailroom…
Jimmy gets his degree and passes the bar…
Jimmy still in the mailroom…
Jimmy leaves HHM…
Chuck goes crazy and leaves HHM…

TiVo (and other DVRs I assume) get reports about your activity and send them back to the networks (or whoever buys them I guess). Every DVR is basically a Nielson box unless you tell it not to anonymously collect data. If you watch a show ‘live’ you can’t skip commercials (any more than you could without a DVR), if you watch a show Time shifted you can skip commercials, and probably are. If you watch a show live, it’s more important and that’s worth more to the advertisers. It’s all factored in to how much a network can sell ad space for.
Everything you do (at least on a TiVo) is collected and reported back. Every button you press, every show you record, they know, always know, to a certain extend, if you’re in front of the TV or not.

Chuck absolutely screwed him. Jimmy got a law degree and Chuck got Howard to agree not to hire him. Maybe Howard would have moved him up out of the mail room to see what he could do. Maybe Howard and the other partners would have been happy to have another paralegal working up there, maybe after a while Jimmy could have shown himself to be a good lawyer on his own and they could have tossed him some easy cases. Maybe after a few years Jimmy would have then had the time and money to go to a ‘real’ school (or wouldn’t need to at that point.
Maybe Jimmy would have made a terrible HHM lawyer. But we’ll never know because Chuck made sure he never got that chance. Chuck made sure he never got any chance.

IMO Chuck screwed Jimmy. The question is, did he do it because he was a coward and was trying to protect Jimmy? Did he do it for the reasons he stated (you’re not a real lawyer)? Or did he do it to keep Jimmy down? To keep Jimmy to himself? To keep Jimmy from rising up? To make sure that Jimmy would always be slippin’ Jimmy and he would always be the guy getting him out of trouble? Some people like to be needed.

We’ve seen Chuck get better and worse depending on Jimmy’s behavior. Maybe it’s all fake just to keep Jimmy at his side. Maybe he ‘got sick’ when Jimmy left HHM to form his own practice just to make sure Jimmy stayed in the house.

I’m guessing Chuck’s motivations all along have been to manipulate Jimmy into a mutually co-dependent relationship with Chuck.

That includes rescuing Jimmy from the consequences of his own criminality, but also sabotaging Jimmy whenever Jimmy shows any signs of individual initative, and even this “illness” of his - that keeps Jimmy caring for him.

Chuck exhibits many of these characteristics in his relationship with Jimmy:

Chuck loves Jimmy - by keeping him pitiful, and rescuing him.

We have seen that Chuck will do anything to keep Jimmy around.

This is Chuck. He seems to need to control Jimmy.

Chuck certainly doesn’t trust Jimmy … even when he should. Jimmy has conned it is true, and lied, but he’s never demonstrated anything but loyalty to his brother.

Chuck’s illness is all about establishing a routine and forcing others (particularly Jimmy) to conform to it.

These all describe Chuck - he has a lot of anger bottled up; he can’t see that his screwing of his brother is over the line; his lying (rather than honest communication) has now been exposed.

The irony here is that Jimmy is, superficially, the con man, and Chuck the honest and hard-working (but unfortunate) one - yet Chuck has conned Jimmy far worse than any con Jimmy has ever pulled off.

Two nits to pick with this episode…

  1. When I here the term “document dump” I think of responding to a request with much more than is requested at an inopportune time. In this case the attorneys for the retirement home went on the offensive with lots of requests. Maybe the term applies to both.

  2. The pill seller did not have time to count that much money and determine there was $20 missing. I suppose one pack of $20s could have been broken open and he could have determined that one pack was missing one…but I doubt it. I don’t know how much was supposed to be there but if he was paying his muscle $1500 there must have been a good deal more. Besides, he was peaking in a bag and fingering thru it…hardly an accurate way to count money.

Dramatic license. We don’t want to watch the guy counting money for fifteen minutes. :slight_smile: