Can the average human touch every square inch of his/her body. This would exclude any double jointed or other abnormal individual. What percentage of the human body is not normally reachable?
a lot of it is out of reach. Try rubbing your pancreas, or your small intestine. Unless you use a scalpel you’ll have trouble doing so. If you’re talking surface area, try this experiment. Take a black magic marker, and mark all the places you can reach. Note which places you can’t, compute the area, and post the results here.
I’m not particularly flexible, but if I put my right arm over my head and my left arm behind the middle of my back, I can touch the index and middle fingers of both hands.
With a bit of naked experimentation, I discovered I can touch every spot on myself. However, it was interesting to note that my right hand isn’t able to touch my left shoulder blade as easily as my left hand can touch my right shoulder blade. The right bicep gets in the way.
Based on that, I’d guess that whoever wrote the question is probably much more fit than I am. Since I’m a computer geek, that isn’t particularly surprising.
Science is fun!
I can touch my entire skin surface easily, and most of my skin surface with each hand separately. I really do wonder how stories spread about “that spot on your back that you can’t scratch”. Of course, like Timothy Campbell, I’m not exactly musclebound by any stretch (ha!) of the imagination, either.
There’s plenty of easier ways to touch the index and middle fingers of both hands (to each other, I’m assuming). Try this easy exercise:
[li]lift both hands, with middle and index fingers extended, to eye level.[/li][li]bring hands together until fingers touch[/li][/list=1]
[sub]Sorry, couldn’t resist.[/sub]
Well, shit, you’re right! That is easier! And to think I had been doing the behind-the-back method my entire life!
You’re one of those flexible people. I bet you can sit on the floor with your legs straight out ahead of you, knees touching, and touch your face to your knees. I can assure
you there are many of us flexibility-challenged people
walking around.
–The one in Yoga class who couldn’t even bend forward past the right angle