Biased mods, oh God no, not again.

All have as little content or material in the same flugging area (Elections) and it is

That gets whoever is behind the mask to use his “bold” modding? And you wonder why people think bias exists here? Yes it was so minor that it shouldn’t be a big deal but since it took me by surprise to see the modding at all in such a thread I took 2 minutes just highlighting the first page randomly and found other “link” “couple words” end post which didn’t earn the “bold” mod standard.


What in the name of Gloria Vanderbilt’s Left Nipple are you on about??

I’ve always wondered: what IS the name of Gloria Vanderbilt’s Left Nipple?

Ironically, I think the OP is about how the mods mod low-content OPs that are mostly links.

I’m sorry, but I promised never to reveal that secret…and most people aren’t worthy of such knowledge anyway.

So which ones did you report? Or did you think that they read every post?

And it is possible to have a valid OP that is short. As long as there is an actual question there.

I suspect the idea is that we tend to get a lot of wishful thinking threads about “The GOP: Are They Doomed Yet?” and those don’t get moderated. Possibly because the response to “what do you think” when addressed to the OP is nearly always “Yes, and I hope it is soon and I wish I believed in hell so I thought they would go there and I hate them and they kicked my puppy gollumgollumgollum”.


Sho-damned nailed it in one, this is a moderator clearly using mod powers to flesh out an argument which he can then attack.

He was quite obviously using mod bold when acting as freaking poster PERIOD.

And yet here we are. I encouraged IceQube to try elaborating on his very short OP. His last couple of threads have been trainwrecks, so I told him to post some reasoning and a full argument.

Oh my heavens! That’d mean that… wait, why is it a bad thing? He didn’t post much and I told him to do something better.

His past I do not know, but it sure seemed abusive when so many other half assed thread starters reside in Elections.

Because you snarky fucker, you don’t do it to people who have opinions you agree with. Ban me you ignorant, power hungry, circle jerking fuck.

Now that you know it was more about a pattern of behavior from a particular poster, do you feel any differently about the situation?
Edited to add: just saw the above-question withdrawn for obvious reasons.

No dear moderator in waiting I do not. It still would not have happened if he had agreed with the opinion stated.

Cute. Old and childish at the same time-way to go.

Moderator emeritus, surely.

You sure showed me. You’ve got three days to think of a better retort (or to wise up in general).

Hell no. I did my decade, which is longer than a lot of message boards even last. It was time to step aside and let the youngbloods run the place-I’m more than happy being a poster for the rest of my time on this board.

And did Anderson Cooper have his own names for them?


And Czarcasm, that’s what “emeritus” means.

You know, there was just a thread on what people would like to have happen to the GOP, and it was absolutely nothing like what you posted.

The OP of the warned thread probably wouldn’t be getting shit if his previous thread wasn’t an outright attack against non-libertarians by claiming they were inferior because they were like women, where he refused to acknowledge anyone’s posts and just kept repeating the same stuff over and over. Somebody who isn’t trying to promote honest debate is more likely to be cracked down on, as it should be.