Bibliophage:- eat this!

Just to keep Mr Phage in the race for most pitted Mod

In this thread I give out a good answer to a serious question, complete with a three cites.

So, Mr Phage turns up several hours (and posts) later and gives half an answer using exactly the same cite.

Mr Phage, do you read what other posters have read or just steal their cites and post them willy-nilly later on?
PS I think this is first time I’ve pitted anyone. Where should the " :dubious: goat felching" have gone?

But you misspelled his name in the title! Alas, this thread will never be found when the accountants from Shitbrick & Young do their tabulations, by searching Pit archive titles for mod names, for “Most Pitted Moderator” at this years Cecil Awards.

Oh, come now! You’re pitting him for not having clicked on and read every link in the thread??

You gave no indication of what that link was about. You merely said “an interesting article here.” If you had actually mentioned Skorzeny, you might have had a (weak) point. As it stands, it doesn’t merit a complaint.

Sheesh, if I complained everytime anyone overlooked one of the excellent links I had posted, I’d have started about 1,245 pit threads by now.

Pssst, Colibri, I think this was a jest pitting. :wink:

I’ll tell you, I’ve seen even more inane complaints posted in all seriousness.

Yes, but the judges have ruled that, for the pitting to qualify, it must be the result of Moderator-specific behaviour, like warnings, thread closings, etc. In this case, you are pitting Bibliophage for something that any Doper might have done. Your entry has therefore been rejected.

Here, here.

Especially as both the links were full URL addresses and not masked behind other words as a link.

Old Bili O’Phage should start wearing glasses so he can see what other people are citing.

I bet bibliophage will come and edit the thread title so his name is spelled right.

(Insert general mod insult with assorted goat felching comments)

Take that.

Ahhh moderators…
no life, yet so much influence…

Blah blah jack booted thugs etc. etc.

Is my face red! Mostly, I must admit, from jumping up and down excited to be catching up to David and Manny. Lynn was considerate enough to fix the thread title so this one will count in any future tabulations.

I read your post but somehow managed to miss “skorzeny” as part of the URL you provided, and I didn’t click on it either. Having read two biographies of Otto Skorzeny and having used him as a character in some of my fiction, his story immediately sprang to mind when I saw the thread. A Google seach turned up the same site you linked to, and I linked to it again.

I offer my apologies for any distress caused by my oversight. And many thanks for helping me in the competition.

Oh, come on. You wouldn’t really count this one would you? Are you that desperate? Sheesh. Over a day late to come into the thread and then you apologise. I think your mod’ing privileges should be reviewed.

I Think it’s a sincere apology. I promise not to pit anyone again for another 1600 posts.
I was going to e-mail Manhatten to correct the spelling in the title for me, but I don’t think I would have survived the ensuing holocaust :smiley: