BigThanks to BigT!!

hugs Fiveroptic. It’ll be ok just go hate some happy people and you’ll feel all better.

It’s not a pit but maybe this will make you feel better.

JohnT what the fuck is wrong with you? Only a goddamnned inbred retarded moron whose mother was a goat and beat him as a child would want their own pit thread. Now stop your bitching and start acting like a fucking man like your father the goat-raper was you stupid fucking wanker.

Bolding mine.

Woah there Miss Lady. No need for the hate speech.*

*reference for those who missed out.

There are bigger douchebags on the Dope than BigT, but a comprehensive list would use up too many valuable ones and zeros to post. My town has outlawed the wasting of 1’s and 0’s, along with plastic bags.

Maybe this thread could be ground, composted, and spread over one of the up coming Spring gardening threads in Cafe?

Wait, I’m confused. It is banned or it’s not? Shot From Guns wants the rules enforced for the phrase but:

Will the madness not END!?

I posted it to him in another (I was just polite like, “hey, just so you know, you’re being Pitted”)

lindsaybluth, I think he’s claimed to be liberal. Not that that makes a difference.
Fiveroptic, YOU make me sad, you jackwagon!!!

Well, aren’t you helpful.

I guess I’m so off the chart that I can’t be raised to the level of getting pitted. :mad:

Not initially; initially he swore he was conservative. If I gave a shit about his loathsome being, I’d find the post where he even admitted as much. “Oh gosh golly gee whiz, I used to think I was a conservative but ya’ll made me realize I’m not!” He wanted to play with us, see?

I distinctly remember BigT being a clever, interesting, introspective poster on a few occasions. Mind you, I agree that his “white knight” shtick is rather idiotic, but he just comes off as human to me. Surprisingly clever at times, surprisingly…not…at others.

Well, there ya go - ask and you shall receive. :slight_smile:

Damn environmentalists!

It’s not banned I was just joking. I probably should have added a smiley to make it more clear. :stuck_out_tongue: There that’s better.

The speed of this modern age still amazes me.

Of course you did. Petty drama isnt the same if the other side just ignores you. I bet its wrecking your head that Bigt hasnt risen to the bait here.

Just to be clear here. Bigt, you are a fucking weenie, with an alarming lack of perspective. But I’m honestly not sure which is worse, the weenie, or Guinny the dramawhore.

Isn’t **BigT **the one who’s incapable of leaving the front door of his parents’ home due to a crushing fear of… I don’t know, bears or the sun or taking a shower or something?

Yup, that’s him.

Really though if you aren’t afraid of bears then you have a screw loose in your noggin content and which is why I keep bear traps on my front porch.

He’s said he’s agoraphobic. Fine, but don’t go around and lecture people how to behave in social situations – especially ones that involve LEAVING THE HOUSE.

(And I never claimed to be nice – at least, not all the time. Nice people suck. And I am NOT a dramawhore. I am the drama MADAME. Get it right, would you?)

Is that what he has? I figured it was something since he always takes offense at anything remotely mean said about someone depressed (I remember a thread about Charlie Brown where someone called Charlie Brown an irritating asshole and BIgT’s response was that that was cruel to the depressed since Mr. Brown’s a textbook example of depression).

He has said that it’s because of withdrawal from medications (I want to say benzos.)

No, it’s any use of the word “crazy” or anything even resembling it. I think he has a Google Alert of “ crazy” set up to an alarm to let him know when he needs to leap into crusade mode and annoy the shit out of everyone.

This one?

I really hate having to do this, but I must: I cannot read this thread. By the length of the thread and the author (and the subject for which the author has a legitimate gripe), I know it is going to be quite heated, and I cannot take the risk that I would hold grudges against any of you. While I know this would be wrong, I also know my limitations.

But this thread does deserve a response. I have been graudally becoming that which I hate: an asshole. I don’t believe my opinions are necessarily wrong, but the way I’ve been expressing them has been. I get angry, and I lose my judgment.

I do still believe that lorene should not have brought Claude Remains past posting history into an MPSIMS thread. But I also know that she has had a bad experience with child molestation–likely being molested herself. So, while it’s wrong, it’s still understandable. And that’s what I should have said, and not what I did. I am sorry.

Based on the length of this thread, I have to assume that other people are bringing up past grievances. Again, all I can offer is an apology. I believe it is wrong to hurt people, and yet I have been hurting people. Again, I am sorry.

I can hope (whether realistically or not) that there are people defending me in this thread. I thank them. I think it more likely that any non-attack posts are people offering constructive criticism. While I also thank them, I appologize that I will not be able to read them. If we had a forum where people could offer constructive criticism without the insults, I might be able to take it. But not here.

While I object to where Guinistasia told me this, I do agree that, if you can’t take something, you should just stay out. I think avoiding the entire Pit is overkill, but I do need to start avoiding threads in all forums that turn into pile-ons–at least until I can not be a jerk in response.

And, yes, I’m aware I’m going to be made fun of for this post. So be it.

If anyone was hoping I’d be leaving, I am not. And I have to admit that I am not sorry for that.:stuck_out_tongue: