Bit of interesting naval history

Never heard about this before. Pretty unusual subject. Video from The History Guy:

A quick look at your posting history tells me you do know how to write. Care to tell us what the hell you want us to click on and why?

The link just goes to an index page of stuff like “On this day in naval history.” Nothing linked to directly. Which makes the OP even more opaque than before, if that is possible.

Sorry. Thought I had it okay.

[quote=“mako88sb, post:1, topic:848450”]

Never heard about this before. Pretty unusual subject. Video from The History Guy:

Thanks, but still not going to click on a You Tube link without knowing what it is… In fact “Pretty unusual subject” pretty much clinches it.

It’s not even a link to a video. It’s a link to search results, a list of videos that could be different for everyone depending on their Youtube history. There’s no indication of which video the OP expects us to watch.

It’s a video about an incident that occurred in 1795. France had invaded the Netherlands. The Dutch fleet was trapped in harbor by frozen water. So a detachment of French cavalry was able to attack and capture the Dutch fleet.

Post #4 takes you to the actual video. It’s a history-oriented video series, this one deals with the “Battle” of Den Helder, where a Dutch fleet surrendered to French cavalry…which one would consider interesting.

The talking head in the video is a bit loud, but covers the subject and it’s prior history well and factually.

I’m not going to watch the video, presumably it covers the fact that it wasn’t really a capture so much as a handover.