Hey there, chum. I don’t know what the Hell happened to make you get so annoying all of a sudden, but it’s kind of pissing me off. The “rant” that you started against the pay-per-post system was bad enough. But then you had to go and post this complete and utter drivel, in MPSIMS no less. Let’s just quote the OP here, for easy reference:
Of course! Your intensive researching of the facts have convinced me! We’re all capitalist pigs, lulled into a false sense of security by the evils of the King of Pop and Microsoft’s new gaming platform! We should pluck out our eyes now, lest we be distracted from all that constant worrying that we should be doing over the present situation!
Please. What do you think we should all be doing, huddling in our living rooms with the shades drawn, having ripped the channel knob off our television so that it stays on CNN the entire day? What in the holy fuck is that going to accomplish?
Y’know, There is such a thing as a happy medium. For example, I believe I am very up to date on the latest happenings in the War on Terrorism. I keep up, watch the evening news and read the paper. However, I also went to see Harry Potter last night, and enjoyed it thoroughly. In fact, I’m going out tonight, too! To a play no less! I must be part of the problem.
Of course, whenever anybody tried to point this fact out to you in that thread, they got responses like the one you gave ranchikki:
Do I even need to put a rolleyes smiley here, or does the quote speak for itself?
Listen, clayton. Before you go off spewing your unfounded bullshit about how bad this country is, try to think some about what you’re saying. If the little shit detector in your head starts buzzing when you read a line, then take the line out. (Assuming, of course, that you have a shit detector).
I see that in your Pay-Per-Post thread you state that you’re 16. Let me take this opportunity to reference you to this thread and remind you that being a teenager doesn’t give you lisence to be an immature, annoying git on the boards. Believe me, I know from experience.