Bite me, clayton_e.

Hey there, chum. I don’t know what the Hell happened to make you get so annoying all of a sudden, but it’s kind of pissing me off. The “rant” that you started against the pay-per-post system was bad enough. But then you had to go and post this complete and utter drivel, in MPSIMS no less. Let’s just quote the OP here, for easy reference:

Of course! Your intensive researching of the facts have convinced me! We’re all capitalist pigs, lulled into a false sense of security by the evils of the King of Pop and Microsoft’s new gaming platform! We should pluck out our eyes now, lest we be distracted from all that constant worrying that we should be doing over the present situation!

Please. What do you think we should all be doing, huddling in our living rooms with the shades drawn, having ripped the channel knob off our television so that it stays on CNN the entire day? What in the holy fuck is that going to accomplish?

Y’know, There is such a thing as a happy medium. For example, I believe I am very up to date on the latest happenings in the War on Terrorism. I keep up, watch the evening news and read the paper. However, I also went to see Harry Potter last night, and enjoyed it thoroughly. In fact, I’m going out tonight, too! To a play no less! I must be part of the problem.

Of course, whenever anybody tried to point this fact out to you in that thread, they got responses like the one you gave ranchikki:

Do I even need to put a rolleyes smiley here, or does the quote speak for itself?

Listen, clayton. Before you go off spewing your unfounded bullshit about how bad this country is, try to think some about what you’re saying. If the little shit detector in your head starts buzzing when you read a line, then take the line out. (Assuming, of course, that you have a shit detector).

I see that in your Pay-Per-Post thread you state that you’re 16. Let me take this opportunity to reference you to this thread and remind you that being a teenager doesn’t give you lisence to be an immature, annoying git on the boards. Believe me, I know from experience.

I agree with Jester and with racinchikki. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for us to go to movies, or search Yahoo for info on said movies/pop culture…

In the words of Eric Cartman…Screw you guys, I’m going home! :stuck_out_tongue:

At work we have CNN on all day every day. The channell never changes. We can’t change it. All we can do is turn down the volume boxes at the individual cubicles, but even then we’re likely to hear what’s going on from the volume box at someone else’s cubicle. I can’t help but be informed of the Taliban and the latest spotting of anthrax.

When the day’s over, I’m not going to go home after 8 hours at work to watch more news or read more articles on what’s going on in Afganistan. I’m going to take a break. I’m going to rent a movie or go to the theater. I’m going to buy a video game and sit in front of the TV for a while playing it. I’m going to watch a goofy sitcom for some diversion.

People needs breaks. Their minds need little vacations from stress and worry. What better way than doing the things one used to do before all the stress and worry? It doesn’t mean people are dismissing events, just that they’re taking a break from them.

Whoa. How Orwellian.

Wow, I’ve been offline for a while and I come back to find that someone has decided to, instead of continuing a good conversation, to dedicate a thread against me. That was the response of someone who is not capable of an intellegent conversation, too bad. I thought I might meet someone I might have debated further issues on in the future intellegently.

Well, maybe had you started that way …

This is the response of someone uncapable of defending his position, either intelligently or otherwise. Just a quick smack and then runs away. I thought we had quit doing that sort of thing in grade school.

BTW - Jester, that first link of yours in the OP doesn’t go to the thread you took that quote from in the OP. Little help?

You know, Eeyore, the SDMB is not, in general, a place where youth is bashed by those with more time on this earth behind them. But that may be because the majority of our teenage posters can safely be classified as sensible, articulate, and down-to-earth.

You, on the other hand, appear to epitomize the stereotype of the woe-is-me, the-world-is-shit, why-isn’t-everyone-as-profoundly-DOWN-as-I-am-about-how-sucky-people-are, my-personal-downer-time-is-soooo-important-to-the-world oh-so-SERIOUS teenage bummer who can’t understand why the world isn’t out protesting every single horrible act that’s ever been perpetrated on anyone in the history of the earth.

I went to college in the early 90’s with a whole group of people like this. I was people like this. Over time, I came to realize that my life wasn’t advancing…my overattachment to rooting out the tiniest injustice and sacrificing my personal life for the opportunity to bring those injustices to the attention of everyone and anyone within 5 miles of the college campus, whether they wanted to hear it or not, was keeping me from doing anything other than that. And my association with the LGBSA (Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Student Alliance), the aforementioned oh-so-serious group of people, was only sucking me in more firmly. So I quit. And I’ve been much more capable of living in the real world since.

Teenagers and college students have the luxury of being able to be totally consumed with reaction to injustice and tragedy. Adults don’t.*
*[sub]This is not a general slam against teenagers…as a matter of fact, it’s not a slam at all, but a statement of opinion, and a neutral one at that.[/sub]


Also, Crunchy frog, I am still here. I welcome any discussion, if you wish to contact me using AIM my sn is cs302b my e-mail is in my profile. I’ll be waiting.

Oops, sorry Jay Jay, I forgot to respond to your post. I will consider your feelings on this. A question for you, when you see an injustice are you still angered or do you just not care?

I’m at work now clayton and cannot download any services like AIM or Yahoo Mssgr. In the meantime, I don’t care to e-mail you as the discussion is currently underway here. You are the one who chose to ignore it with your remarks to Jester above.

I’m still angered. I still care. But I don’t have the luxury of time to brood over and dwell on it for weeks anymore. I have to work. I have to keep up a house. I have to do a hundred simple but constant things to keep my car and appliances and computer running. I have to give myself some time to come here and read and post.

If I’m affected by an injustice, I’ll rant to myself for a while. Then go online and read and post about it, here or elsewhere. Then maybe write a letter to the editor or fire off a check for whatever organization is working to fix the injustice. And then I go back to my life. Elapsed time: a couple of days, at most.

I can’t exclusify my life to that particular injustice. I can’t spend days and weeks watching only news programs about that event, or reading only websites about that event, or talking to my friends and family and co-workers about that event.

That doesn’t mean I wasn’t affected or that I don’t care. It just means that it’s not the top priority in my life anymore. That goes triple for those with spouses and children. One’s responsibility for one’s family trumps just about every other responsibility, real or inferred, that one holds oneself to have.


If you would like to talk in more real time you can use AIM express from the AOL site, just look it up in their search. No download required. And I believe jester excluded himself from this convo, he hasn’t posted since the starting post.

Why the hell do you think Crunchy wants to talk to someone who can’t be bothered to actually respond to a public discussion with anything but comments about how others aren’t responding to the very same public discussion?

Because he’s an idiot. I think I smell a banning coming on.

he accused me of excluding him from the conversation. I did no such thing.

He did no such thing either. Where, exactly, did he accuse you of excluding him from the conversation? He - quite rightly - accused you of failing to include YOURSELF properly. So far your responses both to this thread and the original that sparked it have been less true responses to the topic and more reactions to the people in it. You’re obviously a horrible debater.

Early yet to be predicting a banning, TuckerFan. The rule says “don’t be a jerk,” not “don’t be a moron who sucks at defending his own position.”

No I didn’t. To refresh your memory, I said “This is the response of someone uncapable of defending his position, either intelligently or otherwise. Just a quick smack and then runs away. I thought we had quit doing that sort of thing in grade school.”
That means you aren’t responding to a discussion here in this thread. Kind of odd, I thought, since you accuse Jester of not being able to discuss intelligently when you refuse to discuss at all.

I later said, “In the meantime, I don’t care to e-mail you as the discussion is currently underway here.”
That means I don’t want to have an e-mail conversation. If we’re going to discuss it, we’ll do it here where it was brought up.

Screw it, anything I say will only result in more flaming against me. I’m gonna go read a book. Good day.