Guinastasia, Walk Away from the computer

Guin, I don’t know you and likely never will, but I was registered here (and lurking from the AOL daze) before you made your first post. Message boards are a sometime diversion for me, and I love to read the Dope, but girl, you need to back away.

I know the whole nine yards of your posting history because I do read the boards a lot.

I don’t really think you have the psychological problems you used to have, I just think you are addicted to THE FUCKING INTERNET!

Not just the Dope; a cursory Google shows you post on Og knows how many fucking boards, blogs, sites whatever the fuck. You must spend 10 or more hours a day fucking posting.

From the tone of your posts in the last few years (Yes, you can be bitchy, but who ain’t) I think the root of your problem now is plain internet addiction, not your medical disorders (which I truly believe you have and I am not knocking that)

You are a beautiful intelligent young lady who can offer a lot to the world, and I wish you would just turn the fucking computer off and check it out.

And before you fucking vultures swoop in thinking you will devour me, I don’t give a flying fuck, it needed to be said, so bite my ass.

I think that if you were really concerned about Guinastasia, you would have contacted her privately.

She’s never bothered me, and I think her posts are usually relevant and intelligent.

But I humbly posit that she really needs to get laid.

I think that you need to mind your own business. Guinastasia’s life is her own. If you don’t have a problem with her conduct, then keep it to yourself. It’s real patronizing to decide you need to enlighten someone else like this.

Man, I knew there had to be SOMEone here who spent to much time on the internets. Thanks, Klaatu, for pointing out who it is. Now we should commence the shunning: anyone who spends too much time online is obviously just not a true Doper.

In fairness, he was not attempting to shun Guinastasia at all. I think it was a bit of a dick move to start this pit thread, but it’s not like he’s trying to cast her out.

So, Klaatu, how long have you been having this impression that you “need” to give directives to people that you “don’t know”?

Do you also have an impulse to control the actions of people who are part of your “real” life?

Are you beginning to feel some loss of contol over you own life?

Does referring to Guinastasia as a “young lady” give you a sense of superiority and greater wisdom? Why do you need that in your life particularly right now?

I don’t really want answers.

Why are you feeling so defensive if you are giving good advice? After all, you pay your dues here like every one else. How could we “devour” you? We don’t know who you are anymore than you know Guin. If you “don’t give a flying fuck,” then why did you take the time to let us know that you don’t and then tell us to bite your ass? That’s a little like calling us up to tell us that you don’t want to talk to us anymore.

Don’t want answers to any of those questions either.

Now, now. Calm yourself. Everything is okay.

Sometimes it is good to get away from the computer for a while, partly to steer away from feeling overly emotionally invested, and also to help be a little more outgoing.

Just saying.

Klaatu- you’ve been here long enough to know it is not usual on these boards to help people by opening Pit threads.
There are good reasons for that.

This thread doesn’t reflect well on you, Guin’s life is her own business, mind yours or express your “concern” privately and appropriately.

Look, Klaatu’s right. Anybody who has more than 1400 posts here has got a problem.

With some exceptions though, right, a few exceptions?

Of course not.

Oh, shit.

You have no fucking balls.

You lurk for years, fucking years and then have the gall to tell someone else what’s wrong with them?!?

I don’t know Guin, I’ve seen here posts often enough, but I can’t identify her as a personality. That’s probably since I haven’t been stalking everyone on this board for numerous years.

What a sad little fuck you must be, quietly absorbing data, not contributing anything for years and years. Are you an idiot? Nothing to contribute? Just a leech? Yet, you feel the need to posit your own assumption about another person’s internet usage patterns?

Some people get paid a lot of money to be “on the internet all day”. I’m not saying that she’s one of those people, but what makes you so much better? You’ve been a chicken shit for so many years, you must hate your life. You never post because someone might realize that it was you that handed them their White Castle sliders last night.

She might use her computer a lot, but only you would be loser enough to track down her every post, and post a pathetic attempt at a pit, on a board that you haven’t had the sack to post on for, what, seven years? Pussy.

Big, fat , insecure, pussy.

Lurking and then choosing to strike at a moment of weakness is the internet equivalent of a sucker punch. Sucker punches are usually a bit more effective though. You suck, and you were an accident.

P.S. Vic Mackie says your mom’s pussy tastes like sweet butter.

P.P.S. Nice screen name, did you get that from Bruce Campbell, or the metal man that raped your grandfather?

Damnit! :smack:

Note to self: less obscure references next time.

Klaatu errata shitzu!

It seems to me that someone who has so much time on his hands that he Googles other people for the apparent sole purpose of ranking on them for spending too much time on the internet…spends too much time on the internet.

Or in other words, fucko off.

hyp·o·crite n. 1. One who denounces in others traits that he himself has. 2. Klaatu.

If you have the time to look up someone’s general Internet usage patterns and bitch about how much time they spend on the Internet, you really need a better hobby.

Fucking vultures only eat fucking corpses. Are you a zombie or something? Some sort of masochist zombie if you want fucking vultures to bite your ass.

Yeah, what Otto said.

Well, I just googled “guinastasia” and I can guarantee that the time it took to turn up about 10 places where she seems to post and blog and talk about yoda and sell dolls (if in fact that is all her) is not nearly the amount of time it takes to make about 4000 posts per year at a single one of them.

I’ve waited longer to download a video of a monkey sticking his finger in his butt and smelling it.

But, other than saying that, I got no stance on the issue. I don’t notice her posts enough to care whether she’s posting too much or too little.

a) Excalibre: It’s real patronizing to decide you need to enlighten someone else like this.

Which you ought to post in every Pit of another poster. If it’s not right once, it’s not right a hundred times.

b) Zoe’s whole post: same thing. “So, Klaatu, how long have you been having this impression that you “need” to give directives to people that you “don’t know”? Do you also have an impulse to control the actions of people who are part of your “real” life? Are you beginning to feel some loss of contol over you own life?”

I’m going to assume that you’re also going to post this in every pitting of a poster by another poster. We really don’t have a right to criticize their lives or their beliefs … or their complaints. WE DON’T KNOW THEM, MAN!

c) Irishgirl: “Klaatu- you’ve been here long enough to know it is not usual on these boards to help people by opening Pit threads.”

Horseshit. I’ve read plenty of Pit threads which contained, either in the title or the OP, “<NAME>, you are fucked up because of <EVENT/OPINION>” SSDD, really.

d) dnoorman: “She might use her computer a lot, but only you would be loser enough to track down her every post, and post a pathetic attempt at a pit, on a board that you haven’t had the sack to post on for, what, seven years? Pussy.”

Her post count on here is displayed. It’s really really really high. It doesn’t take loads of time, effort, or even INTEREST to go to Google or Dogpile or Ixquick and type (sans quotes) “guinastasia message board.” I might also add that throwing HIS posting history into the mix, you’re not making a good case for leaving HERS alone.

e) Other people also brought up “you have too much time on your hands” “you must be an internet addict TOO” “you have too much time for this, GET A LIFE” are doing the exact same thing - just with shorter posts, and with other users’ support. Note “d” - searching is fast and easy. One minute just now with Ixquick unconvered 5 other places she posts.

I know I spend too much time on the internet, but I have also honestly wondered on occasion when Guin has TIME to do anything else. Not enough to start a thread about her, but we all have different interests, no?