This is more for the females of the board and not the men, since men obviously get great enjoyment out of blow jobs (feel free to insert any JDT jokes).
But do females get anything out of it besides a mouthful of love juice? Is it enjoyable to her?
Not that I need to know or anything…okay, so maybe I’m curious…um, no I am not! :eek:
whistles nonchalantly, walking out and tripping on a footstool
Some girls I know have told me that it turns them on tremendously. I never was much into them, but now if the girl wants to do it, I oblige and am glad to reciprocate. I’ve heard one lady say that the best thing about marriage was that never again would the woman have to form her mouth into the shape of an ‘O’ again. I took that to mean she did not like the act. Either that or she 'O’ed her head off to land the guy and after he said ‘I do’ she said ‘I don’t anymore.’
In your case, young lady, they are absolutely not “worth it” or enjoyable or anything else. . . .
until your wedding night. [/elderly male opinion]
Consider it this way:
Why do guys think that touching/licking/sucking/whatever on a breast is enjoyable? Your breast is certainly not one of his erogenous zones. It probably differs from person to person, but a good part of it is the erotic pleasure of bringing pleasure to one’s partner.
Reasonable expectation? Hey, I pay in advance! I even enjoy doing so!
Ahem…I can’t speak knowledgably about performing BJs, but at least some of us guys enjoy performing cunnilingus. I would expect that some (perhaps a roughly equal percentage?) of women to enjoy performing fellatio. Certainly, it’s not something all women enjoy, but a couple of past lovers of mine have claimed to like it–perhaps they were just trying to encourage my payment-in-advance habit?
Well it certainly seems like something that could turn you on. I mean I’ve talked to a lot of my guy friends and some say that it’s a whole lot better to give than to recieve. So shouldn’t it work for girls too? I mean, pleasuring your partner should give you some sort of pleasure because making the other person happy is a GOOD thing, right? Okay that made no sense, carry on.
That’s what I get for being on a board and having and establishing a family on it from the age of 15… :rolleyes: hehehe…so where are my other Doper Daddies?
Well, yeah…the giving and receiving thing I already knew about. But what about everything else?
Well, most women I know wouldn’t put a blowjob at the top of their must-do list, but rather would do it more out of a desire to pleasure their partner. I knew 2 women who absolutely loved the taste of the stuff. If someone bottled jism, they would buy it by the case.
Personally, I too would rather give (um, cunnillingus, of course), than receive. And there’s always the wonderful world of 69. Of course, there are selfish guys who would rather just 68 (“Hey, baby, how 'bout you blow me and I’ll owe you one?”). Stay away from these types, Welfy. You too FPK.
Well, there is tremendous pleasure in giving someone else pleasure–this has been covered.
There is also tremendous pleasure in a job well done.
Performing oral sex on a man takes some skill. Granted, not a whole lot if all you are trying to do is cause a horny guy to have an orgasm. But if you are trying to blow his mind as well, it can take some practice and technique.
It’s just like doing anything else–you get out of it what you put into it. If you are just sucking to get him off, he will get off and that will be that. However, if you are massaging with your tongue, caressing other parts of his nether regions with your fingers, paying attention to his moans and responding to them, then he (and you) will enjoy a thoroughly fulfilling experience.
Many women become very aroused while giving oral sex. You can rub against your partner while performing, you can hear the sounds of his arousal and if you like, you can even stimulate yourself while pleasing him. Oral sex does not have to be a chore–it’s a thoroughly enjoyable part of the whole sexual experience.
So far as the “ickiness” factor, again, it depends on how you view the whole thing. If you are performing oral sex because someone asked you to and you don’t really want to, then the point of ejaculation is going to be somewhat gross. However, if you are truly into the experience and really involved, it will flow more naturally (bad pun–sorry!). I have found (in my own totally non-scientific research) that women who regularly swallow are those who really enjoy giving oral sex.
Of course, this all only applies after you are married, Welfy. (Just in case tomndebb is watching…)
Well, due to certain extenuating circumstances, my poor BF does not get them often. However, when we are both in the mood (ie, I volunteer to do it rather than him begging me to do it), I find it extremely exciting. I LOVE to hear how excited and crazy I make him. Maybe it’s just a power trip for me, I don’t know.
Well, here’s my take on it… being that I’m a male, I suppose there’s a bias here, but I’m gonna try anyways…
Due to medical problems, my wife is almost completely unable to do that particular thing for me… which is sad, but I’m over it.
I enjoy giving a great deal… in fact, there are times when I ask her to let me do that one thing for her, no strings, all I want to do is give… usually she says no.
I like them, don’t get me wrong, but I can understand the problem women have… my ex never gave, but almost made it mandatory that I do so, if I was hoping to do anything…
My wife used to be the same way, but she’s much smarter than my ex, and I can talk to her.
Occasionally, I get to be with a lady that enjoys doing it as much as I enjoy getting it… this makes for a very happy Tristan…
So, I’m reading this thread and thinking of this movie “Pay it Forward” and I got a cool idea. Y’see, someone could comeover to the Spritle pad and… never mind.
Lemme see if I have this straight. Your wife can’t do it, but occasionally you get it. How are you working that deal? No wonder you’re a happy Tristan!