Black Eyed Peas / Best Buy? commercial

OK, I’m watching TV tonight, and I see a commercial with the B.E.P.'s in it. I think, but would not swear, it was a Best Buy ad. What struck me as strange was the fact that the black man in the band is singing, and rocking back and forth and it looks like he’s holding onto his privates with BOTH hands. This isn’t just a crotch grab… he gets the crotch, his johnson, his boys, and anything else he has down there.

Is this my imagination, or has anyone else seen this commercial? If so, can you confirm the behavior and tell me if it has any significance that I’m not privy to (I’m not a fan of the band, you see.)


I can’t be the only one who has seen this commercial. I just saw it again, and it was a Best Buy ad.

Anyone else out there see this?

I’ve seen it, and I thought the same thing - “Why is this guy holding his package like he’s gonna lose it?”

Because this is an ARTISTIC band, you see – the regular crotch-grab just wouldn’t be enough of a bold statement of purpose.

Oh. I thought he had to go potty.

Shouldn’t Fergie be the one doing that?


I’m not sure I follow this one.

Sorry, I don’t get it either.

Yep, looks like the “potty dance” to me, too.

There are photos floating around (I’m too lazy to dig them out) from a concert where Fergie either

a: peed her pants
b: had serious crotch sweat
c: was really, really turned on by performing (I mean REALLY)

Yes, I found the pic: Judge for yourself, people. :eek:

Maybe she’s just showing props to MC PeePants.