Hey, he’s bringing down the tone of our beloved BBQ Pit! I expect better from Pitizens – wit, vitriol, clever phrasing of an evisceration, a deft flick of the disemboweling knife, an impressive swing of the spiked club – you know, dismemberment with style. Or at least Technicolor gore.
So someone can actually call him a troll and not get banned? Blackacre, seriously, switch sides. You are NOT helping the struggle. (Though at first I thought he was a Dem trying to stir up anti-conservative posts. But after the election, I don’t think any Dems are clever enough for that)
It does seem to be a violation of board rules… but it’s also a quote from Lynn where she says he’s been a troll… grey area perhaps?
Oh, and, can we please all join hands, on both sides of the political spectrum, and say that blackacre is a tool?
(I think that could really help to heal this country ~sniffles~)
Note: I am not calling Blackacre a troll (not publicly). I was simply quoting Lynn Bodoni from that link. He trolled, as per Lynn’s comment, thus he is (or was) unequivocally a troll. I am not accusing him of any further, present trolling.
Humorous – though a good comeback for the original remark, which is not notably more tasteful than the typical remark of the Pittee in this thread.
How about we metaphorically send him to some category that is not represented on this board, therefore avoiding insulting anyone – say the Utilitarian Ultramontanists (not to be confused with the Universalist-Unitarians, with whom they share nothing but Ugueth Urbina’s initials)?