Blanche Lincoln won in Arkansas

It seems so stunningly transparent that those in the top 1% of owners of wealth in this country control the outcomes of State and National Elections - BECAUSE the Voters keep on keeping on voting for the folks controlled by them, that I just can’t figure it out.

Why do people keep voting AGAINST their own self interests?

Is it because they keep seeing the ‘Shiny Things’ in the media?

How many of the top of the Middle Class keep believing that they’ll become Multi- Millionaires if they keep voting for “tax cuts” and deregulation?

Does becoming a multi-millionaire matter so much that coal mine explosions and oil companies killing of shorelines and Wall Street’s theft of multiple trillions of dollars of taxpayers money and wars in foreign countries killing thousands of folks (along with multiple thousands of our very own citizens) get a ‘buy’ because “YOU TOO MAY ONE DAY BENEFIT FROM THE SHENNANIGANS WE ARE PUTTING IN PLACE FOR YOU!!!” ???

And ESPECIALLY you Christian partakers of the worship of money: shame on you.

You ARE your brother’s keeper.

Oh, YES! - you Right Wing assholes - there are probably tens of millions of folks out of the seven BILLION on this planet who are slackers. Total toads. Who would rather not EVER work a moment in their lives. And hang back in the shadows waiting to see how they can be taken care of by everyone else. Agreed.

They live in every country and affect every culture no matter how poor or how wealthy; how democratic or totalitarian.

By the same token - you Left Wing assholes - you have to admit that these people exist!

But we CANNOT punish whole populations because of the freeloaders.
Nor can we try to mitigate this by WORSHIPING and lionizing folks who think working sixteen-hours-a-day is worth building a civilization upon.

Have some freakin’ sense of moderation, won’t you?

A pox on ALL of the 'Houses" of those who want to demonize one side or the other.

Christ Almighty, folks.

There is SO MUCH to agree upon.

FUCK ‘Tribalism’ and ‘Political Association.’

Maybe it’s time the “bottom 95%” start to stick together.

When does summer camp start?

If we enrolled you, would you go? :slight_smile:

And what does this have to do with the thread title?

I don’t get it. Does Blanche Lincoln run a summer camp in Arkansas?

I have no idea who Blanche Lincoln is (and have never been to Arkansas) but I recall one magazine article (Newsweek, probably, about microtargeting voters) that suggested people do “vote above their means” (i.e. for candidates who represent the interests of people wealthier than the voter) because the voter wants to be wealthy, and perceives themselves as either wealthy or soon to become wealthy.

Psychiatrists call this the “Joe the Plumber Syndrome”. :smiley:

She does, but she only accepts the top 1% of the population.

That would explain the two women who [del]bought[/del] won their primaries in California. Bored rich people ought to find something else to do rather than fuck up the government.

But is that true?

By 60-38 overall; at the link, you can see breakdowns by different groups. And there was 72% support for raising taxes on those earning over $1,000,000 annually, including a majority of self-identified Republicans.

Matt, at the link, collects some other PollingReport data. 68% of people think what they’re paying in income tax is fair, but 60% think upper-income people are paying too little (23% think they’re paying just the right amount, and 13% think they’re paying too much), and in answer to the question, “please tell me if [Tax cuts for the very wealthy are] justified and should be continued, was justified but should be cut dramatically, or is not justified at all…” 60% said they weren’t justified at all, and another 12% said they were justified but should be cut dramatically.

Then what? The last time bored rich people didn’t run a government was during the Reign of Terror. Running governments is what bored rich people do. God forbid the peasants grab the wheel of government. Then you get things like Prop. 13 and the rest of the lunacy that is California politics.

Well, that explains it! :slight_smile:

Wasn’t some rich loudmouth named Howard Jarvis the prime mover behind Prop 13?

What about the unrepresent 4% (top 1 + bottom 95)?
No taxation without representation!

So let’s bring back the Reign of Terror. It sounds like a better way to spend the summer than some stupid camp in Arkansas!

Is that one of the Golden Girls?

Its the illusion of expertise, the unflinching belief that if you are smart at A, you must necessarily be smart at B. Ain’t so.

I recall reading a book from the 30’s about the sociology of con men. They guy asked con men who were the best targets, and they all said professional men who are very successful in their field of endeavor. First off, because they have money. Duh. But second, and maybe just as important, they are successful, and therefore believe themselves smart. And the con that almost never fails with these guys is letting them think they are outsmarting you.

You can’t cheat an honest man, not because the honest man is smarter, but because the honest man won’t try and cheat you.

Nope, goes back even further. She was in Streetcar Named Desire.

She stella is.

Indictment pending.