This link just gives a list of videos, and is actually OK for work, but if you want to click on the “Blind Date” video inside the link–that is most definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK
This has apparently been around for a while, but I just discovered it.
OK, Zombie thread, but there’s a sad update. One of the links that shows up on the ‘related videos’ on the ‘related videos’ on video in the the Dick makes you slap somebody thread list is “Blind Date with a Crack Ho” from about 2005 (in the infancy of youtube, when it was not well known). Sadly, it seems that the lovely Juanita Yvatte “Propecia” Elder, who starred in it, died in 2009 at the age of 46. RIP Propecia.
I suspect the link above is either dead or no longer points to this video, but I thought I’d post this. I know a lot of people are probably concerned. If you want to check her out yourself, her vids are on youtube.