Blinded by the sequential thread

What was legal “back in the day” that is illegal now?
Your daughter is a Stripper

Ok, I’ve been saving these up for awhile now.

**Ask the Deaf Person
When did you first start feeling old?

They Live In Fear Of 1920’s Style Death Rays.
Capital Region Dopers (NY): Are all these clouds scaring you, too?

Star Wars Fans, Don’t Try This At Home
“Well, Star Wars was lame.”

Holy shit, I am farting like a motherfuck!
Flatulent co-workers, anyone?

Nothing kills the mood when you’re doin’ it quite like…
Jerry Orbach in a Silver Jumpsuit

Illionis man lands 124-pound catfish
what kind of seafood should I get for dinner?

“Eve Bobs Her Hair”
It was bound to happen

Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud
Deep Throat exposed

Any words you’re using surprisingly often these days?

What are you irrationally cheap about?

What little things make you happy?

Worst Food You’ve Ever Seen Ordered?

Fuck you Mr. Mechanic
Yeah, well fuck you too, dickhead.

How do you hide from the world?
Ask the Game Show Winner

Fuck you Mr Mechanic
Everything’s broken. Everything sucks

Sexing Dinos!
Jurassic Park: Now With Bears!

Ladies. Your man wants to go to a Bachelor Party…
Your daughter is a Stripper

1920s style death rays score a mention
1920s Style Death-Ray?**

It had to happen eventually:

Being in your 20s sucks
1920s Style Death-Ray?

Is There Any Way To Determine If Numeric Data Have Been Faked?
How long is the average penis?

End of the road for Mike Tyson?
Let’s Talk Tasy Recipes!

Phrases that appear dirty - but actually aren’t
I want to be a cop.

New Posts:

**Help!!! Overspending Wife!!!

Taser Use Justified?**

What’s in your car’s trunk?
Brody the Obstreperous Puppy

Good Beer, Good Friends & Blackpowder Rifles
What’s in your car’s trunk?


My PC is pissing me off
I can’t believe how long I’ve lived and I didn’t know this!

Me, I generally know right away.

**Good Beer, Good Friends & Blackpowder Rifles
A sobering thought for gun proponents **

** What’s in your car’s trunk?
My kid is gonna be fine **

**Blinded by the sequential thread
Damn, That was Some Lightning! **

**Rhinoceros & Weasel
Confined to Quarters and In Pain **

**Ever Been Hit on by a Relative?

Let’s talk pain.**

**My kid is gonna be fine
Ever Been Hit on by a Relative?
There Should Be A No-Interaction Zone Within 10 Feet of a Public Restroom **

**1920s Style Death-Ray?
What’s in your car’s trunk? **

How long is the average penis?
So What was Saddam Up To?

**On the use of turn signals – or not

Let’s talk pain**


**Good Beer, Good Friends & Blackpowder Rifles **
Are ESPN Classic writers high?

Quite possibly.

Please suggest wording for…

You ever have to tell someone that their loved-one is dead :eek:

Intentionally weird business names

Bird-Shit Mobile