"Blurbs" under stickies in ATMB

Since tags are enabled here you could also add a tag to the topic like #pinned , that’s another option.

Two is a good goal to shoot for, as far as pinned topics per category. Any category with 6+ pinned topics is in a bad state IMHO.

Is there an easy way to browse all the existing tags? If so, that’s an option. If not, I don’t see how it would help anyone.

actually – this is a dumb question, but how can I find all the topics that have the “xyz” tag? I don’t actually see any obvious way to look for tags.

Press the hamburger menu at upper right, then select “tags”.


The list can be ordered by count, or name. You can also search for tags like you can search for categories, users, etc by typing in the search box.

I guess i need to play more with “search”. I would have assumed that you’d pull up every post that used the word, so tags would be overwhelmed with other random stuff.

But the hamburger menu should do it.