What happened??
::Tap tap… anyone here?::
I’ve been sitting at my computer for hours refreshing the screen repeatedly.
If I may, I make a motion we elect Jerry as the new Master of the Straight Dope. Where the hell is that Cecil guy when you need him?
:: All bow to the new Master::
Jerry is a god and if he’s ever in my neck of the woods, there will be many glasses raised in praise of him.
It looks like we lost several hours worth of posts. Oh my goodness. Thanks for getting the board up and running again. You guys are awesome!
Master? Hell, declare him despot King, High Ruler, General of the Army to fight ignorance, and whatever else we can afford:)
::bends down to kiss Jerry’s ass for this::
Thank you, Jerry. All your hard work is Very Much appreciated!
Good going, Jerry. I’m having a beer in your honor.
You rock, Jerry!
WTG Jerry! Thanks!
Is that where “I love you Chas.E” came from under Stoid’s name? (Where it usually says “member”) That was a larf… I took a screenshot of it.
It’s not the first time it’s happened…Yes, folks, it’s happened before. Why anyone would want to do it it beyond me.
I wasn’t around yesterday. Who is Jerry?
Jerry posts under the username jdavis and is the Tech guy who keeps the hamsters fed. He has being doing work on speeding up the board by putting rocket packs on the little fella’s paws.
The guy’s probably had his hands full with this crap so a lot of people are letting him know that it’s appreciated.
Good job Jerry. If you ever make it to Dublin, Ireland drop me a line and you’ll be drinking the black stuff for free
Thank you, Jerry, for your hard work here.
Thanks much for the hard work, Jerry. Free drinks coming your way from this corner of NYC!
You know, if he ever cashes in on all the free beer he’s being offered, he won’t see straight for weeks!
A lot of vBulletin sites have been getting cracked these days due to a security bug in vBulletin. I got the following mail from JelSoft, for those who are interested. (This does NOT tell you how to crack the software, for those snot-nosed 14 year old weenies in the audience who want to try it. Go read bugtraq if you really care.)
I have no idea if that was the flaw used this time, but the timing is about right. For other people out there who use vBulletin you might want to upgrade.
Doh! I just saw that the SDMB is running version 1.1.3, and that mail refers to version 2.0.3. So, yeah, nevermind.
Yeah, but why would anyone want the passwords from the board? Soon as they logon to a couple of accounts they are gonna probably have the same IP address they connected from & then Jerry would know who they were.