Boards intermittently crashing IE 8?

The SDMB keeps crashing Internet Explorer 8 today. Not consistently, but frequently enough to be annoying. Other websites are fine, and SDMB is fine from Firefox. Is anyone else having this problem?

What do you mean by “crashing” IE8?

I try to open SDMB, and IE freezes. A little tab opens up and says “internet explorer has stopped responding.” It closes and then re-opens, recovers all of the other tabs, and then repeats the process. Finally, it gives up. It’s working fine at the moment.

It wasn’t “crashing”, but the SDMB has timing out all day yesterday for me. Other sites weren’t as bad. I doubt it was IE8, but I didn’t bother trying FF as I hate its interface.

I’ll try to document this better.

Step one: Go to GQ. Page loads, but Windows 7 / IE 8 brings up the little box that says “Internet Explorer has stopped working” with no particularly helpful information as to why. I click “close program” (or the little x in the upper right) and the program immediately closes and re-opens to the same page, and the “stopped working” box re-appears. Finally, I get this: “When a website causes a failure or crash, Internet Explorer attempts to restore the site. It stops after two tries to avoid an endless loop.”

No problems in Firefox, no problems with other sites, and apparently this is unique to me. Weird.

That sounds like something you have different in your settings, as I have been using IE8 since the day it was released (I think it came installed with my present computer, but was using it before that) and I have never seen this.

Edit—though admittedly, I’m using the 32 bit version rather than the 64 bit, as some of the third party addons I use don’t work with the 64 bit version.