Bombing in Afghanistan

The madness isn’t over… CNN reports bombing in Afghanistan…

I hope and pray they have the right target-if it is indeed retaliation.

The video clearly shows tracer fire from what appears to be missles.

Apparently Afghanistan has been having a civil war for quite some time so it’s not necessarily a retaliation from us.

There is certainly unconfirmed “facts” that Bin Laden is responsible for this travesty.

Everyone seems to be assuming this is retaliatory strikes bu the US. My first thought was that it is the Northern Alliance responding to the attempted assassination (or succesful, no one’s sure) of Ahmed Shah Massoud, their head leader. That’s my guess.

sigh. The dark, bestial part of my nature says, “Good, let them suffer!” The decent half says, “Please, Goddess, no more civilian deaths. Don’t hurt innocent people.” By all means, kill the Taliban officials and the bin Laden terrorists, but all I can think of is some poor Afghan woman getting blown to smithereens because people she doesn’t know killed other people she doesn’t know.

CNN reportors say they cannot confirm where the fire is coming from, whether it’s from their own civil war or from us.

But he does say it is not typical compared to what he has been seeing previously.

MSNBC reports that it isn’t a US action in Kabul.

CNN is now reporting the same.

The president is to brief the country at about 9:00 pm EST.

CNN reported that White House Press Secretary Ari Fleisher stated that the Kabul explosions are not a result of US retaliation.

Wolf Blitzer just confirmed on CNN that the White House is denying that the explosions in Kabul are a result of US action. Apparently, it’s part of the ongoing civil war over there.

Food for thought from MSNBC

This is so sad. Heard an interviewer on the radio ask some government official whether the US citizenry is prepared for the possibility of war. Whoever this official was, he said, “After today, yes.”

My opinion only, but that is not “prepared for war”. It’s bloodlust and vengeance. I understand the feelings behind it. I, too, am angry and horrified at these tragedies, but also horrified by the prospect of war. Don’t ask me what the solution is, I don’t know. But somehow I can’t get my head around the idea that we should avenge the taking of innocent lives by taking more lives.

No lectures please, I’m just venting and hoping that whoever is in charge of these decisions can manage to be cool-headed and open-hearted.

My friends in England said that it could be China who did this. That would be interesting. Well, we just have to wait & see who wants to claim doing it. Osama said taht he didn’t do it & if he did, I would think he would be bragging about it as it would make him a King in his area.

I agree though, those missles aren’t ours.

The explosions in Kabul are reported to be from helicopter gunships belonging to the North Afghanistan based opposition to the Taleban. The Afghan opposition said they were retaliating for an assassination attempt on their leader. It is possible that they also wished to create panic and fears of US retribution.

Osama bin Laden is the chief suspect at this time.