Bootup logo change for Windows 2000?

Is there a program or procedure that will change the bootup screen for Windows 2000? The ones I had for Win 95 and 98 don’t come with Windows 2000 versions.

Wow. Searching works. I had no idea this question had been asked already, but took a chance and it was.

That link shows it’s easy to do, but difficult to have discovered. (Why does each version of MS products always drop one of the popular features?)

it’s fun, isn’t it? i changed my logo to a big red swiriling spiral screen, with 'Windows FINAL; market monopoly edition" on it, and two red claws grabbing at the windows logo. it’s neato.

Can you post a graphic of this somewhere? I’d like to see it.

I didn’t care for too many of the showcase bootup screens posted at – too anime, pop culture, and cheesecake heavy.

Though there were several that were cute…
like this one

And this one (I always suspect as much!)

and This one, too.

i don’t have a website, bit i got it from…


right here.
it’s from this comic.